Collecting and Compiling

As a research center, the American Antiquarian Society supports systematic bibliography. This case includes material donated by author/collectors who published bibliographies or catalogs for the use of future scholars.

Because his wife was from New Orleans, Edward Larocque Tinker was fascinated by that region’s history and built an important library of Louisiana imprints. In 1933 he published a bibliography of French language newspapers of Louisiana. Frank J. Metcalf was interested in American hymnology, collected hymnals, and compiled a bibliography of religious tune books.  Waldo Lincoln served as AAS president for twenty years. In the 1920s he collected and wrote about Caribbean newspapers. He was also was a collector of American cookbooks and published Bibliography of American Cookery Books, 1742-1860 (AAS, 1929), which remains the standard guide.

Although they were not bibliographers, Thomas Ollive Mabbott and Michael Papantonio also produced useful works. Mabbott was an Edgar Allan Poe scholar and was interested in American periodicals. He also collected newspapers, especially racy ones. Papantonio was a book dealer who in the 1940s defined the field of early American bookbinding studies.
  Click an item for more information & additional views:
Laussat Prefet Colonial
Moniteur de la Louisiane
Plan of New Orleans
Les Cenelles. Choix de...
Le Capitaine May de le...
Lyon's Urania
American Psalmody, or...
The Weekly Rake
Bookbinding of New-England Memorial
Bookbinding of Two Treatises of Mr. Jeremiah Burroughs
The Royal Danish American Gazette
Smith's Universal Receipt Book and the French Cook
Catalogue of Books to be sold...
A Little Book for Children
Mother Goose's Melody
Mother Goose's Quarto...
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