In Pursuit of a Vision > Case 6 > Lincoln > Receipt & French...


The Details:

Louise-Béate-Augustine Friedel. The French Cook: a Full and Literal Translation of “La petite Cuisinière habile” New York: Wm. H. Graham, 1846. [catalog record]

Sidney Smith. Smith’s Universal Receipt Book of Culinary Arts, Containing One Hundred and Twenty-five of the Most Improved and Popular Receipts Now in Use New York, 1842. [catalog record]

Gift of Waldo Lincoln, 1929.

The Story:

Waldo Lincoln collected American cookbooks with a single purpose: to acquire unrecorded editions not already owned by AAS.  In 1929 he merged his holdings with the Society’s collection.  These two examples were the only copies known in 1929, and Lincoln’s copy of Smith’s cookbook remains so today. The French Cook is one of several 1840s cookbooks that helped to introduce French culinary methods to an American audience.

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