he Society's librarians, directors and presidents have played significant roles as collectors, scholars of American writing and publishing, and stewards of the nation's history. This site will introduce Isaiah Thomas and his successors at the Society's helm: Christopher Columbus Baldwin, Samuel Foster Haven, Edmund Mills Barton, Clarence Brigham, R.W.G. Vail, Clifford K. Shipton, Marcus A. McCorison, and Ellen S. Dunlap. Each has moved the Society forward by deftly matching the institution's needs with local and national developments. As a result, the Society celebrates its bicentennial as a leading independent research library, a pioneer in the digitization of its collections, and a center of scholarship for the study of American history and culture.

Isaiah Thomas
[+ details]
Christopher C. Baldwin
[+ details]


Stephen Salisbury II
[+ details]
Edmund Mills Barton
[+ details]
Stephen Salisbury III
[+ details]



Calvin Coolidge
[+ details]
Robert W.G. Vail
[+ details]
Clifford Kenyon Shipton
[+ details]


Marcus A. McCorison
[+ details]
Ellen S. Dunlap
[+ details]


This site and all contents © 2012 American Antiquarian Society