The Lengthened Shadow of a Man: Isaiah Thomas and the Founding of the American Antiquarian Society, 1812-1831

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A Keen Scent for an Old Book: Clarence S. Brigham & Waldo Lincoln, 1908-1927

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A Palmy State of Prosperity: Christopher Columbus Baldwin, 1831-1837; Maturin L. Fisher, Interim Appointment

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A Library so Rich in Material: Brigham, R.W.G. Vail, and Clifford Kenyon Shipton, 1927-1967

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A Love of Order and Antiquity: Samuel Foster Haven, 1838-1881

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A National Research Library: Marcus A. McCorison, Librarian & President, 1967-1992

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Private Library for the Public Good: Edmund Mills Barton, 1883-1908

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Bibliography in the Digital Age: Ellen S. Dunlap Leads the Society into its Third Century

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