Watch Papers Collection

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  • Tags: Sun

Langworthy & Co. watch makers, repairers and importers, Quebec

Engraved watch paper printed on orange paper with banner with sun behind it.

Design drawn by Lyman B. Langworthy and engraved in England as noted in manuscript on scrapbook page which this watchpaper is attached.

Text continues: Watches,…

John Park watch maker Wood Street Pittsburgh. Time sinks into viewless air, now leaves a wreck behind!

Inscribed on verso: May 11th 1825

Engraved watch paper with image of a woman in a carriage holding a pocket watch in her proper right hand. The sun is seen behind her.

T.B. Mason watch maker. Framingham, Mass.

Engraved watch paper. Two copies. One printed in red ink, the other in green ink. Has image of a sun at center.

Text continues around border: Clocks and watches of evry description faithfully cleaned, repaired and warranted.

Copy 1 has…

Watches & jewelry by Amos Sawyer Salem.

Engraved watch paper with image of an eagle holding a banner in its beak with a scythe and compass below it. At bottom are two allegorical female figures, each holding a watch, with the sun seen between them.

Inscribed on verso: March 26 1829

Lewis Cure New York. Clock and watch maker and jeweller [sic], corner of Water Street and Old Slip.

Includes image of a clock atop a pedestal at center, with two columns at either side with a sun and a moon at top. At top center is a pyramid.

Inscribed on verso: Fe 25 22.

4.9 cm. diameter

John Newhard watch paper

Hamilton Street, Allentown, PA.
Type set text. Wood engraved ornamental border that depicts sun rays. On pink paper

Anonymous watch paper.

Woodcut. Standing warrior, holding spear in his proper right hand and shield in his proper left, looking back at ocean, ship, and smiling sun at right. Sickle, telescope, compass, and ladder on ground. Trees and buildings in background, at left.…

Seth Shearman watch paper.

South Parish, Andover, MA.
Line-engraving. Watchmaker name in banner above and below which is a spray of leaves with berries. Lined and ornamental border that depicts sun rays within which reads "Watches, Silver Spoons, & Thimbles," and "Plated &…

J. & P. Pratt watch paper.

Line-engraving. Small watch at top. Below watchmaker address reads in banner "Jewellery [sic], &c." Banded and ornamental border that depicts leaves and sun rays. Blue ink on paper.

John J. Parry watch paper.

243 Market Street, Philadelphia.
Line-engraving, signed by "Jones, Sc." Above watchmaker name reads "All kinds of Watches & Clocks Sold & Repair’d by." Lined and ornamental border that depicts sun rays, the outermost of which is cut away. On paper.…