Watch Papers Collection

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Henry S. Pearson watch & mathematical instrument maker no. 13 Exchange St. Portland

Address: No. 10 Jones’ Row, Exchange Street, Portland. Description: Line-engraving. Standing woman, surrounded by foliage, holding scales in her proper right hand, and small watch in her proper left. Above watchmaker address reads "Watch &…

Saml. Simpson watch & clock maker no. 8 Jones Row Exchange St. Portland.

Engraved watch paper with decorative border.

The gift of Mort Seligman, 2022.

Inscribed on verso: H. Brow[n]

Langworthy & Co. watch makers, repairers and importers, Quebec

Engraved watch paper printed on orange paper with banner with sun behind it.

Design drawn by Lyman B. Langworthy and engraved in England as noted in manuscript on scrapbook page which this watchpaper is attached.

Text continues: Watches,…

Garant a bien aller pendant une annee par Langworthy horlogers 16 rue la Montagne vis a vis l'imprimie Quebec.

Uncut engraved watchpaper on green paper, engraved by Lyman B. Langworthy as noted in manuscript on scrapbook page which it is attached.

Joseph Louis watch maker & jeweller Fish Street Portland

Image of an eagle with a clock at top and decorative border.

Text continues: Best warranted watches, and jewelry wholesale & retail

Signed: S. Hill sc.

L. Young watch maker & jeweller, Bridgeport, Con. Gold and silver work. J.W. Barber sc.

Engraved watch paper on red coated paper. Includes image of a woman sitting outdoors resting her proper right arm on a shield. An eagle is perched at right, placing a pocket watch into the woman's proper left hand.

Anthony Williamson watch & clock maker Marshfield

Engraved watch paper with lined borders.

Inscribed on verso: Nov. 1829 clean'd 74 5-7-30 on spring $1.25

W.A. Williams, clock & watch maker, King Street Alexandria.

Engraved watch paper with image of an eagle, shield and flowers.

Inscribed on verso: December 10th 1829 Capt. Bears 256