Watch Papers Collection

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  • Tags: Women

Henry S. Pearson watch & mathematical instrument maker no. 13 Exchange St. Portland

Address: No. 10 Jones’ Row, Exchange Street, Portland. Description: Line-engraving. Standing woman, surrounded by foliage, holding scales in her proper right hand, and small watch in her proper left. Above watchmaker address reads "Watch &…

L. Young watch maker & jeweller, Bridgeport, Con. Gold and silver work. J.W. Barber sc.

Engraved watch paper on red coated paper. Includes image of a woman sitting outdoors resting her proper right arm on a shield. An eagle is perched at right, placing a pocket watch into the woman's proper left hand.

John Park watch maker Wood Street Pittsburgh. Time sinks into viewless air, now leaves a wreck behind!

Inscribed on verso: May 11th 1825

Engraved watch paper with image of a woman in a carriage holding a pocket watch in her proper right hand. The sun is seen behind her.

Neilson watch & clock maker Purchase Street Boston.

Engraved watch paper with image of a woman standing with an anchor at her feet and a beehive at left. Trees are seen at right.

Text continues: Chronomitor repeeting. Horizontal & lever watches, carefully repaired.

Inscribed on verso: 3J119

Albert Jones watch maker & jeweller, Springfield, Mass.

Engraved watch paper with image of female allegorical figures representing Justice and Peace. Justice stands at left holding a sword and scales. Peace stands at right with a cornucopia at her feet. An eagle is seen at center holding a pocket watch in…

C. Hequembourg watch-maker no. 424 1/2 North Market Street Albany

Engraved watch paper. Image of female allegorical figures representing Justice and Liberty. Justice sits at left holding a sword and scales, and Liberty stands at right holding a pole and liberty cap. They stand on either side of a shield with an…

A. Hastings watch & clock maker Bath N.H.

Engraved watch paper printed in blue ink. Includes image of a woman holding a set of scales in her proper right hand and a sword in her proper left. An each holds a shield, arrows and a branch at left. A pocket watch hangs at center.

Inscribed on…

Geo. Ham clock & watch maker Portsmouth N.H. State Street.

Engraved watch paper with image of a woman sitting outdoors with an animal resting its head in her lap. Has a decorative border.

Inscribed on verso: Mr. Wiley Dec 17, 1824

Watches & jewelry by Amos Sawyer Salem.

Engraved watch paper with image of an eagle holding a banner in its beak with a scythe and compass below it. At bottom are two allegorical female figures, each holding a watch, with the sun seen between them.

Inscribed on verso: March 26 1829

Randall & Co. St. Albans, Vt

Engraved watch paper printed in green ink. Includes image of a woman riding in a chariot led by two horses.

Inscribed on verso: Mr. Kidder only clean'd [illegible]