Watch Papers Collection

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  • Tags: Clocks

Joseph Louis watch maker & jeweller Fish Street Portland

Image of an eagle with a clock at top and decorative border.

Text continues: Best warranted watches, and jewelry wholesale & retail

Signed: S. Hill sc.

S.W. Stockton clock & watch maker no. 371 North Front St. opposite Green Philada.

Engraved watch paper printed in blue ink. Includes images of a clock, ships and a beehive.

Text continues: Clocks watches, chains, seals, keys &c on reasonable terms. Clocks & watches, warranted to perform one year.

Jno. B.M. Letournau. Clock & watch maker 10 Fells Street. Fells Point, Baltimore. Medairy & Savory sc.

Engraved watch paper printed in blue ink. Has image of an eagle holding a banner and pocket watch in its beak. At left a ship is seen, and at right is a fortress At bottom is a clock.

Inscribed on verso: 13 7 28

George A. Hoyt watch maker opposite the museum Albany. Watches for sale, gold, and silver work. Balch, Rawdon & Co.

Engraved watch paper with image of two cherubs on either side of a clock. An hourglass is seen at bottom. Has decorative floral border.

Grant & Loring clock & watch makers corner of Essex & Washn. Sts. Boston

Engraved watch paper with image of two cherubs sitting and holding a banner. Between them is a clock. Has decorative floral border.

Inscribed on verso: John Lange? 1.00

Wm. Barber, watch maker, Marl[borough?]

Engraved watch paper with image of a child sitting ona pedestal, holding a pocket watch and reaching for an hourglass with wings. A globe and clock sit beside the child.

Watch paper is mutilated.

Inscribed on verso: March 12 1825

George Prince. Watch maker New Market, N.H.

Engraved watch paper on blue coated paper with images of clock mechanisms.

Inscribed on verso: Clean'd $1.00

Watches of every description repaired by Pitts & Earl Taunton Mass.

Engraved watch paper with image of a woman sitting outdoors and holding a pocket watch in her proper right hand. A blank watch face contains the advertisement, with a clock at top.

Text around border: Brass clocks and time-pieces repaired and…

William Jepson watch & clock maker 44 Hanover St. Boston

Engraved watch paper with image of three angels sitting around a clock, one holding an hourglass and another holding a coffee or tea pot.

5 cm. diameter

Inscribed on verso: Mr. Lillie 5.4.30 cleang.

Henry Hoyt watch maker & jeweller 470 S. Market St. Albany 3 doors south of the museum. Watches & silver work for sale

Engraved watch paper with image of a woman sitting beside a clock with an urn atop it. A cherub sits on the ground touching the face of a second clock.5.5 cm. diameterInscribed on verso: 31 1 296