Watch Papers Collection

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  • Tags: Fruit

Anonymous watch paper.

Manuscript, watercolor. Three blue turtledoves perched on nest of pink roses and green leaves. Green vine with red berries at top below which reads "1st Jan, 1824 [in graphite]." At bottom reads "May Friendship still thy evening feast adorn/Would…

Anonymous watch paper.

Manuscript, watercolor. The Lord’s Prayer, in microscopic handwriting, appears in central circle, occupying space that is 1.8 cm in diameter. Ornamental border of red berries and green vines. On paper.

Henry Towle watch paper.

Line-engraving. Watchmaker name in banner above which is large eye and below which is a spray of leaves with berries. Lined and ornamental border that depicts sun rays. On paper.

B. & M. Swan watch paper.

Line-engraving. Watchmaker name in banner above and below which is a spray of leaves with berries. Lined and ornamental border that depicts sun rays. Purple and black ink on paper.

David P. Smyth watch paper.

311 Market Street, Wilmington, DE.
Woodcut. Below watchmaker name and address reads "Jewelry Repaired at Short Notice." Ornamental border of leaves and berries at bottom of which is a scroll. On green paper.

Smith & Clapp watch paper.

Line-engraving. Watchmaker name in banner above and below which is a spray of leaves with berries. Lined and ornamental border of thick, interwoven lines in between which are small circles. Center highly stained. Yellow and black ink on paper.

Seth Shearman watch paper.

South Parish, Andover, MA.
Line-engraving. Watchmaker name in banner above and below which is a spray of leaves with berries. Lined and ornamental border that depicts sun rays within which reads "Watches, Silver Spoons, & Thimbles," and "Plated &…

Munn & Jones watch paper.

Line-engraving. Watchmaker name in banner above and below which is a spray of leaves with berries. Below address reads "Watches Repd. & Warranted." Lined and ornamental border that depicts sun rays. On paper.

Thomas Lyon watch paper.

Line-engraving. Watchmaker name in banner above and below which is a spray of leaves with berries. Banded, lined and ornamental border that depicts sun rays. Yellow and black ink on paper.

George R. Lathe watch paper.

Line-engraving. Watchmaker name in banner above and below which is a spray of leaves with berries. Banded, lined, and ornamental border of small rectangles and overlapping arched lines. On paper.