Watch Papers Collection

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  • Tags: Pennsylvania

S.W. Stockton clock & watch maker no. 371 North Front St. opposite Green Philada.

Engraved watch paper printed in blue ink. Includes images of a clock, ships and a beehive.

Text continues: Clocks watches, chains, seals, keys &c on reasonable terms. Clocks & watches, warranted to perform one year.

John Park watch maker Wood Street Pittsburgh. Time sinks into viewless air, now leaves a wreck behind!

Inscribed on verso: May 11th 1825

Engraved watch paper with image of a woman in a carriage holding a pocket watch in her proper right hand. The sun is seen behind her.

John Heilig clock & watch maker Germantown 7 miles from Philada.

Engraved watch paper with image of two horses or unicorns lying on the ground with a shield between them. An eagle sits atop the shield and a banner reads "Virtue liberty and independence." Likely a take on the Royal Coat of Arms of the United…

Ward & Cox silversmiths & watch makers 145 Chesnut Street north side a few doors above Fourth Street Philada.

Engraved watch paper with geometric border.

Inscribed on verso: 10-21-13

5.2 cm. diameter

Jehu Ward silversmith & watch maker 42 Market Street south side 6th door below Second Street Philada.

Engraved watch paper with geometric border.

Inscribed on verso: 6 5 1822

5.1 cm. diameter

Samuel Huckel clock & watch maker no. 38 South above Front St. Philada.

Includes image of a steam boat and a sailboat on the water, with two men facing each other in the foreground.

Inscribed on verso: 978 b

5.2 cm. diameter

Asa Hartshorn watch-maker & jeweller, Montrose

Includes image of two allegorical female figures, including Justice holding scales, standing beside a display case filled with watches and other small items.

Inscribed on verso: July 9, 1830

5.7 cm. diameter

William Gaw watch maker 241 South Second St. opposite the new market Philad.

Includes a floral and geometric border.

Inscribed on verso: March 20th 181[illegible]

5.5 cm. diameter

M. Attmore clock & watch maker s.e. corner of Chesnut & Front sts. Philada.

Includes image of a woman sitting beside a pedestal, holding a tablet with a clock on it which reads "The hand of time moves steady on nor waits for finite man." Atop the pedestal is a globe.

"Watches & clocks carefully repaired. Chains, seals,…