Watch Papers Collection

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  • Tags: Freemasons

David Osborn, watch & clock maker, Lenox

Engraved watch paper with lined decoration and a freemasonry symbol at top.

T. & W. Keith watch makers opposite the stage office Worcester

Green watch paper with images of clocks, rulers, compasses and a figure beneath an arch, likely masonic symbols. At bottom is a skull and crossbones.

Inscribed on verso: 6-6

5.1 cm. diameter

J. Carter clock & watch maker and jeweller [sic] Hanover

Watch paper with geometric border with eye at top and masonic symbol at bottom.

4.9 cm. diameter

Isaac Reed & Son watch paper.

176 North Second St., Corner of Vine, Philadelphia.
Line engraving. Reads: Isaac Reed & Son clock & watch makers 176 North Second Street corner of Vine Philada. Silver spoons thimbles &c.

Isaac Reed watch paper.

176 North Second St., Corner of Vine, Philadelphia.
Line-engraving. Masonic emblems of compass and square above watchmaker name. Banded and ornamental border of small circles within which reads "Chains, Seals, & Keys," and "Silver Spoons, Thimbles…

Josiah Penfield watch paper.

Line-engraving. Clock, sun, moon, Masonic symbols of column, hourglass, candles, square, and compass surround oval with watchmaker name and address. Ornamental border of leaves. On paper.

George Huyler.

Washington Market, New York.
Line-engraving. Image below watchmaker name of man holding anchor, standing below Masonic "G" with building in background. Ornamental border of leaves. Blue ink on paper.

Charles A. Droz watch paper.

No. 118 Walnut Street, three doors below Fifth, Philadelphia.
Line-engraving. View of Masonic Hall. Lined and ornamental border of circles. Uncut and blue ink on paper.

Charles A. Droz watch paper.

No. 118 Walnut Street, three doors below Fifth, Philadelphia.
Line-engraving. View of Masonic Hall. Lined and ornamental border of circles. On paper.

James Collins watch paper.

Line-engraving. Two masons with several Masonic emblems including eye of God, two columns with an arch, a shovel, a pick-ax, a stick, and a compass, labeled with a letter "G" within an upside down triangle in the center. Around arch and columns reads…