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The Illustrated Inventory of Paul Revere's works
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Revere Collection Box 3

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Box 3 Folder 1
[St. Peter’s Lodge Masonic Notification].
1772; sheet: (19.5 x 16 cm). plate: (18.7 x 15.6 cm).
Brigham plate 59. Link to Brigham.

Separately published engraved notice for a night meeting of St. Peter’s Masonic Lodge in Newburyport, Massachusetts. Border surrounding engraved and manuscript text features Chippendale style mantling and numerous freemason emblems. At the top, in two medallion shaped borders, are symbols; to the left is a tessellated border and Masonic pavement with an emblem in the center; to the right is a beehive on a table with bees flying. Between the medallions are two figures wearing aprons in a workshop. The figure to the right is sawing a box and the figure to the left is using a hammer on what appears to be a bell; in front of him are different metal wares. Decorating the border are four partial columns or pillars, a pair of crossed quills, a compass angled to the right, a level with ribbon, and a sun with sunbursts inside a protractor.

Engraved and manuscript text reads “Brother [Wednesday Evening next] being St. Peter’s Lodge [night by order of the Rt. Worshipfull W Greenough] Master Your [Company] is desired [at Free Masons Hall precisely ] at [6] o’Clock Yours Affectionately [W. Nichols] Secry Newbury-port. [Novr 4 5777]. Inside the border, seated at the bottom is a winged cherub writing on a paper. To his left is the text “To Br. [Enoch Pike]” Note: the paper bears the watermark of Britannia and a crown with the initials “I.B.” Beneath the border in the lower right is the text “Paul Revere Scp." On verso: “Capt. Enoch Pike” and purchase information, 1927-29. See related print in Box 3 Folder 10.

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Box 3 Folder 2
North Battery.
[ca. 1762]; sheet: (16.5 x 20.6 cm). plate: (not visible). Link to record.
Brigham plate 2. Link to Brigham.

Engraved commission certificate featuring a view of the North Battery (Fort) in Boston Harbor. Illustrated view and text features a church spire and harbor-front buildings, boats on the water, one with numerous flags docked on the waterfront, and several smaller vessels with figures aboard. The architecture of a large, stone battery with central building is in the foreground with a large, British flag to the right, a wharf and peer to the left and in the distance rolling hills and buildings (as well as an additional fort). 

Engraved and manuscript text reads “This may Certify all whom it may Concern; that the Bearer here of [Ralph Morgan] is an Inlisted [sic] [Montross] at his Majesty’s [North-Battery] in Boston under my command. Given under my Hand this [18 April] in the Tenth Year of his Majesty’s reign [John Pruddock Captin]” Between the engraved text and view is the signature “P Revere Sculp” Note: AAS copy has been folded and is mounted on linen. On verso: Purchase information, 1949.

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Box 3 Folder 3
[St. Andrew’s Lodge Notification].
[1784]; sheet: (24 x 19.5 cm). plate: 19.4 x 15.6 cm). Link to record.
Brigham plate 63. Link to Brigham.

Blank engraved notice for an evening meeting of St. Andrew’s Masonic Lodge. Border surrounding engraved text features Chippendale style mantling and numerous freemason emblems. At the top, in two medallion shaped borders, are symbols; tessellated border and Masonic pavement with an emblem in the center; to the right is a beehive on a table with bees. Between the medallions are two figures wearing aprons in a workshop. The figure to the right is sawing a box and the figure to the left is using a chisel on what appears to be a bust; in front of him are different metal wares, hammer, protractor and level on an elevated surface. Behind him is a sun with sunbursts or an all-seeing eye in front of cloud cover. Decorating the border are four partial columns or pillars, a pair of crossed quills, a compass angled to the right, a level with ribbon, and a sun with sunbursts inside a protractor. In the center at the bottom is a winged cherub sitting on a garment and writing with quill and paper facing right.

Engraved text reads “Brother day Evening next being St. Andrew’s Lodge Night the Rt. Worshipfull Brother Mater You are desir’d to give attendance at Free Mason’s Hall at O’Clock Yours Affectionate Secr’d Boston 57” beneath the border on the exterior margin is the text “Engrav’d Printed & Sold by Paul Revere. Boston.” Verso blank.

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Box 3 Folder 4
[Aaron Willard Clock Advertisement].
[1781]; sheet: (16.9 x 12.2 cm). plate: (15.4 x 10.9 cm). Link to record.
Brigham plate 57. Link to Brigham.

Engraved clock advertisement to be used as a clock label, and mounted in the interior of a clock case. Image features heavy Chippendale style mantling, flowers, leaves and flourishes surrounding a medallion shaped oval in which is a table clock with a large face, a fleur-de-les hour hand and a semi-circle shaped upper panel which has phases of the moon illustrated. The desk clock is against a paneled wall on a flat surface.

Mantling and illustration surround engraved text which reads “Custom House Clocks, Table Spring-Clocks and Time-peices [sic], of different construction made by Aaron Willard Boston. Direction for setting up the Clock. First plumb up the case in the place where it is to stand, and secure it; then put the Clock in the case, and hang the pendulum and weights, observing that the heaviest weight be put on the pulley marked S. Windup the lines on the barrels, taking are that they run regularly in the grooves, then put the pendulum in motion. To make it go faster screw the pendulum up, slower screw down.” On verso: Gift from Wells Historical Museum (formerly in J. Cheney Wells Collection) Oct. 1, 1954.

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Box 3 Folder 5
[Isaac Greenwood Trade Card].
[ca. 1769]; sheet: (16 x 12.7 cm). plate: (15.2 x 12 cm). Link to record.
Brigham plate 56. Link to Brigham.

Engraved trade card for a dentist, according to Brigham, and turner, which has the text as follows: “Isaac Greenwood Ivory Turner Next door to Doct[or] John Clark’s at the North End Boston, Turns all Sorts of Work in Ivory, Silver, Brass, Iron, Horn, Wood &c, such as Billiard Balls, Tea Boards, Scallop’d & Plain Salvers, Decanter Stand, Pestles & Mortars Chocolate Mulls, Lemon Squeezers, Walking Sticks, Ivory & Nut heads & Ferrells for ditto, Ends for Prospective Glasses, Joints for German Flutes, Large Wooden Cocks for Distillers Butts, Small ditto for Spirits, Turns Work for Goldsmiths, Such as Tankards, Canns, Casters, Salts, Iron Hand Irons for Smiths, Plain & Twisted Bannisters, & Posts for Stair Cases & Turretts, Pillars for Frontispieces & Makes Handles for Coffee Potts, Tea Potts, Chafing dishes & Warming Pans, Patterns for Goldsmiths & Founders, Wooden Leggs, and many other Articles, too many to be here enumerated with Fidelity & Dispatch at a very reasonable Rate _ Makes Umberilloes [sic].” Followed by a blank space. Image is signed in lower right “P Revere Sculp.” Text “Ivory Turner” is in italic and “Isaac Greenwood” is heavily flourished as well as “Boston”; remaining text is engraved script. On verso: “Presented to AAS by Hollis Fra…June 19, 1937.”

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Box 3 Folder 6
Buried with Him by Baptism.
[no date]; sheet: (17.4 x 11.9 cm). plate: (not visible). Link to record.
Brigham plate 49. Link to Brigham.

Bordered separately published print of a religious scene where Jesus Christ is being baptized by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. Image features Christ and John submerged beneath the water; Christ has a Halo around his head. The water is labeled “JORDAN” to the left. Bordering the River are two parcels of land. To the left is a village with trees, numerous buildings and rolling hills. To the right, looking on is a crowd of twelve people, likely the disciples. Behind them is a grove of trees and hills. In the sky above is a sun and inscribed in the center is Hebrew text. To the left and right are two rays of light, one encircles a dove, the other contains the text “This is my beloved Son – hear ye him.” Both bands of light are reaching towards the earth. Also in the sky to the left and right are banks of clouds with angels in robes, hands in prayer, watching the scene below. Inscribed beneath is the text “P Revere Sculp” and on reverse “Gift of Hubbard E.” Image is twice bordered and semi-circular at top. Verso blank.

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Box 3 Folder 7
Joshua Brackett Trade Card.
[ca. 1768]; sheet: (16 x 10 cm). plate (not visible). Link to record.
Brigham plate 54. Link to Brigham.

Engraved billhead advertisement for the O[liver] Cromwell’s Head [Tavern]. Image features a bust portrait of Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658) with beard in military attire facing left. Text beneath is written on a ribbon-scroll and reads “O. Cromwell’s Head. School Street Boston” and signed beneath “P. Revere Sc.” The top of the oval portrait features grapes and leaves and on a ribbon scroll “Joshua Brackett.” Beneath the portrait is engraved text with lines for charges including “Board” “Lodging” “Eating” “Wine” “Punch” “Porter” “Liquor” “Horse-keeping” “Oats”; this particular copy is filled in and denotes the total in British pounds and also has “Lemmons” [sic] included on the list. Image is signed beneath bottom ribbon scroll under “School” “P Revere Sculp.” See second copy in Box 1 Folder 10. On verso: “Bequeathed by Miss May L. Eliot 1927.”

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Box 3 Folder 8
[Relief Fire Society Notification].
[1782]; sheet: (12.7 x 17.7 cm). plate: (12 x 17 cm). Link to record.
Brigham plate 64A. Link to Brigham.

Engraved Masonic notification which features Chippendale style mantling surrounding a ribbon scroll and text, both engraved and manuscript. At the top of the notification is an oval-shaped ornamentation which has in its center a fire truck, hose, buckets, axe, helmet, ladder and other firefighting items scattered on a flat surface and hanging from the mantling. Beneath the oval are two winged cherubs holding a ribbon scroll which reads “In Angustiis Amici” and beneath the ribbon the text “Sir – Boston March 4, 1782 The Relief-Society of which you are a Member, meets on Thurs. day Evening next, at The Green Dragon precisely at 7’O’clock at which Time & Place you are desir’d to give your punctual Attendance Eben Oliver, Clerk. To [Mr?]. Andrew Brimmer.” Image is signed beneath bottom mantling “P. Revere Sculp.” Gift of Mark Bortman, October 31, 1960. On verso: Gift of Mark Bortman, Oct. 31, 1960. and “Abode” Joseph Head – Dock Square – Store Green’s Wharf Tristam Bernard Cole Lane Thomas Davies Jnmr Corn-Hill State Street Candidate Capt Josph Crocker” beneath “Dr 31/st” and off to the side “Brimmer.”


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Box 3 Folder 9
[Tyrian Lodge Notification].
[1773]; sheet: (21 x 17.4 cm). plate: (18.3 x 14.6 cm). Link to record.
Brigham plate 60. Link to Brigham.

Masonic summons notice which features Chippendale style border and engraved, manuscript and strikethrough text. Imagery surrounding text consists of a woman, an allegory of Charity, nursing a child in an oval shaped border with two children at her side. Her arm is extended to the left towards a table which holds a level and other Freemasonic equipment. Outside the border to her left and right is a moon and a sun. On two pillars next to her are two figures; Hope with an anchor and Faith with an open book. At the bottom inside the border is the text “Fortior Quo Rectior” and beneath the mantling on the outside of the border “P Revere.” There are also two figures standing on pedestals wearing Masonic aprons. One to the left is holding an object, perhaps a rolled paper and his hand is beneath his chin; the figure to the right is holding a hammer. Text in center reads “Brother the Tyrian Lodge No. 1 of which you are a Member meets on this Eve[n] Masons Hall of Worship John Luikes in the Your company is desired at 6 O’clock precisely By order of the Master. Glocester April 2 58 11 John Rogers Secy.” On verso/side of sheet: Purchase information, 1922.

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Box 3 Folder 10
[St. Peter’s Lodge Notification].
[1772]; sheet: (19.9 x 15.9 cm). plate: (not visible). Link to record.
Similar to Brigham plate 59. Link to Brigham.

A faint impression of a published engraved notice for a night meeting of St. Peter’s Masonic Lodge in Newburyport, Massachusetts. Border surrounding engraved and manuscript text features Chippendale style mantling and numerous freemason emblems. At the top, in two medallion shaped borders, are symbols; to the left a birds-eye-view of a tessellated border and Masonic pavement; to the right is a beehive with bees. In between is a faint impression of two figures working at benches. Decorating the border are four partial columns or pillars, a pair of crossed quills tied together, a compass angled to the right, a level with string, square and compasses, Masonic apron, protractor, and a sun with sunbursts.

Engraved and manuscript text reads “Brother Monday Evening next being St. Peter’s Lodge night by order of the Rt. Worshipfull W […] Gage Master Your Company is desired [at the Lodge […] at 6 O’Clock Yours Affectionately [A. Perkins] Secry Newbury-port. [October 28 5798]. A faint outline of a winged figure is visible at the bottom. To the left is the manuscript notation “P Brown” Beneath the border in the lower right is the text “Paul Revere Scp.” See also Box 3 Folder 1. On verso: with folder “Dup. Notification for St. Peter’s Lodge 1798 Duplication of our f[…] 1777. and on verso: “P Brown” “P Brown” and “S. Jane” scribble notation and Purchase information, 1937.

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Box 3 Folder 11
View of the Year 1765.
1765; sheet: (17.7 x 22.9 cm). plate: (20.3 x 15.5 cm). Link to record
Brigham plate 5. Link to Brigham.

Engraved allegorical scene featuring a dragon backed upon a ledge while holding a rolled copy of the Magna Charta. The dragon is facing ten figures who are labeled with letters. First, closest to the dragon, is a man in colonial dress with a “B” [Boston] attempting to slay the beast with sword drawn over his head. Next to him is “R-I” [Rhode Island], “N-Y” [New York], and a man “H” [Hampden] with a large belly and holding his hand on his chest and sword at his side.  To his left is an unnamed figure in clerical robes pointing a gun, a woman “V” [Virginia] with liberty pole and cap, and to the left, four figures labeled with “U” which Revere identifies as “United Provinces” all with drawn swords.

The dragon is standing next to the prostrate bodies of two men, identified in the British Museum Catalog (BM) as Arthur Murphy and Tobias Smollett, one with a scroll labeled “Pym” and the other “Anti-Sejanus.” To the far right on the cartoon is a tree labeled “Liberty Tree August 14, 1765” with an effigy of John Huske dangling from its branches. In front are two men conversing and pointing to the effigy. One states, “there’s that villain H-k” and the other “I see he’s got a high place.” Flying above are three figures; to the left is Minerva with a spear, shield and helmet. She is flying towards two Harpies (devils/demons; identified by the BM as the Duke of Bedford and Lord Mansfield), one pointing towards the ten figures and the other spraying them with a syringe. One Harpy has a leg in a boot and the other is wood with a spike.

Text reads “America! See thy free born Sons advance. And at they Tyrant* point the threat’ng Lance! Who with grim Horror, opes his Helt like Jan’s. And Magna-Charta grasps between his Claws. Lo Boston brave! Unstain’d by Placemen’s Bribes “Attacks the Monster and his venal Tribes” see loyal Hampden to his Country true, Presents his Weapon to theodious Crew; See ‘fore him prostrate treacherous PYM doth fall And A-Sejanus loud for Mercury call! Whilst brave Rhode-Island & New York support, Hampden and Freedom, in their brave Effort. Front to Virginia, bold New-Hampshire stands, All firmly sworn to shake off slavish Bands And each united Province faithful joins Against their Monster and his curst Designs Mounted aloft perfidious H-k you see, Scorn’d by his Country, fits the Rope & Tree; This be the real Fate! A fittest Place For Freedoms Foes a selfish scornful Race! Above behold where Spite & Envy Spurt, Their Venomon the Heads they cannot hurt But lo Minerva with her Spear and Shield” Appears with Hopes to make the Harpies yield.” Printed along the bottom is “Engrav’d Printed & Sold by P Revere Boston” as well as *Stamp Act. High-resolution scan available for order: 003542-0001. On verso: "Restored by Frank Doloff, Museum of Fine Arts, 1975."

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Box 3 Folder 12
[Aaron Willard watch paper].
[ca. 1781]; sheet in diameter: (5 cm).
Brigham plate 58. Link to Brigham.

Circular-cut watch paper featuring an allegorical scene. The text “A. Willard Watch & Clock Maker Boston” is surrounded in a decorative rope interior border with an additional interior Chippendale border inside the scene. An angel, cherub or allegory of Fame is above the text blowing a bugle and holding a watch with her left hand; a rooster, tree, plants, round clock and Father Time, looking left with a white beard and scythe, surround the area beneath and around the text. See additional watch papers in Box 1 Folder 4; Box 3 Folder 13. On verso/folder: "Gift from Mark Bortman, November 12, 1948."

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Box 3 Folder 13
[Aaron Willard watch paper].
[ca. 1781]; sheet in diameter: (5 cm).
Brigham plate 58. Link to Brigham.

Circular watch paper featuring an allegorical scene. Text “A. Willard Watch & Clock Maker Boston” is surrounded in a rope-like border and solid exterior border. There is an additional interior Chippendale border around the text. An angel, cherub or allegory of Fame is above the text blowing a bugle and holding a watch; a rooster, tree, plants, round clock and Father Time looking left with a white beard surround the area beneath. On the verso is a manuscript note which reads “Oliver Jackson repair […] $1 […] May 28, 1817.” Note: image is sliced into fifths. See additional watch papers in Box 1 Folder 4; Box 3 Folder 12. Note: as compared to the other two watch papers, this example shows signs of wear. Folder from Box 3 Folder 12 - On verso/folder: "Gift from Mark Bortman, November 12, 1948."

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Box 3 Folder 14
[And the Darkness comprehended it not…St. Peter’s Lodge notification].
[1790]; sheet: (21.6 x 20.9 cm). plate: (19.5 x 16.5 cm). Link to record.
Brigham plate 64. Link to Brigham.

Line-bordered certificate featuring an allegorical scene surrounding both manuscript and engraved text. Text reads “And the Darkness comprehended it not. In the East a place of Light where reigns Silence & Peace. We the Master, Wardens and Secretary of St. Peter’s Lodge held in the Town of Newburyport and State of Massachusetts do certify that the Bearer hereof our worthy Brother Theo[philus Bradbury Jr. has been regularly initiated in to the third Degree of masonry. As such he has been received by Us and being a true and faithful brother is hereby recommended to the Favor and protection of all free and accepted masons wheresoever. I witness where of we have caus. in the Seat of our said Lodge to be hereunto affix’d this 7th day of Septr Salvation 1794 and of Masonry 5794.”

Allegorical figures surrounding the text include Faith and Hope on columned pedestals to the left and right – Hope with an anchor and Faith with an open book; in the distance is a third vacant pedestal. Beneath is a cloaked Charity, nursing a baby while two other children hover at her feet; one is reading an open book. Above the scene is an allegory of Fame – a winged, bare-breasted woman blowing a horn into the clouds to the left. Beneath her are several Masonic symbols, an hourglass, skull and crossbones, compass and tools. To the left is the text printed vertically “We have caused the Bearer to affix his Firm in the opposite Margin” Charity’s arm is extended towards a placard listing the names “John Gage – M Joshua [Greenleaf?] S.W. Benjamin Tucker J.W. and Geoge [George J?] Osborne Se-y” along the margin is the name “Theop Bradbury Junr.” The certificate has been sliced in several areas to allow for ribbons. Copy is printed on parchment. On verso: blank. Includes ribbon in folder. “Ribbon St. Peter’s Lodge (Theo. Bradbury) certificate, 1794. Removed to show print, May 14, 1954. CSB”


This site last updated: March 2011
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