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The Illustrated Inventory of Paul Revere's works
at the American Antiquarian Society

Paul Revere Subject-Tag Image Browse
Click on heading to view list of thumbnails; click on thumbnail to go to the item's location in the inventory

Advertisement | Allegory | Almanac | Animal | Architecture | Bookplate | Buildings and structures | Caricatures, Cartoons and Satires | Certificate | Chippendale style | Cooking and cookware | Currency | Ephemera | Heraldry | Historic Event | Masonic | Music | Native peoples | Newspaper masthead | Plate for book/periodical | Portrait | Receipt | Religious | Reproductions | Scenic/street view | Scientific/astrological illustration | Separately published print | Source: English | Title page | Woodcuts made in lead | Violence/death


Advertisement and Ephemera [top]

Allegory [top]

Almanac [top]

Animal [top]

Buildings and structures and Architecture [top]

Caricatures, Cartoons and Satires [top]

Certificate [top]

Chippendale style [top]

Cooking and cookware [top]

Currency [top]

Heraldry and Bookplate [top]

Historic Event and Scenic/street view [top]

Masonic [top]

Music and Religious [top]

Native peoples [top]

Newspaper masthead [top]

Plate for book/periodical [top]

Portrait [top]

Receipt [top]

Reproductions [top]

Scientific/astrological illustration [top]

Separately published print [top]

Source: English [top]

Title Page [top]

Woodcuts made in lead [top]

Violence/death [top]


This site last updated: March 2011
This site and all contents © 2011 American Antiquarian Society

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