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The Illustrated Inventory of Paul Revere's works
at the American Antiquarian Society

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Revere Collection Box 1

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Box 1 Folder 1
[Anatomical Lectures Certificate].
[mss. 1785]; sheet: (23.5 x 19 cm). plate: (19 x 15 cm). Link to record
Brigham plate 48. Link to Brigham.

Engraved certificate featuring a bust portrait of a bald Galen (AD 129 – 199/217) facing right surrounded by a medallion-shaped Chippendale border. Additional Chippendale bordering and two surgical skeletons flank the manuscript and engraved text in the center. Beneath the text is an anatomical scene where a man with rolled sleeves operates on a corpse on a round table; the corpse has a rope, presumably the remains of a noose, around his neck. On the table, accompanying the body are a blanket and surgical tool.

The certificate reads, both engraved and manuscript text, “These may certify that Mr Levi Bartlett has diligently attended an entire course of my Anatomical Lectures & Demonstrations; together with Physiological & Surgical observations at the dissecting Theatres in the University at Cambridge whereby he has had an opportunity of acquiring an accurate knowledge in the structure of the human body and the surgical branch of his Professions. John Warren Prof. of Anat[omy] and Surgery University Cambridge. Boston June 8th 1785.” Engraved initials in lower right “PR [Paul Revere].” On verso: Purchase information, 1951.

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Box 1 Folder 2
The Hooded Serpent.
[1774]; sheet: (22 x 14.5 cm). plate: (17.5 x 12 cm).
Brigham plate 36. Link to Brigham.

Engraved interior page for The Royal American Magazine; this copy has been removed from the volume and is matted and foldered. The image features a snake, likely a cobra, with spots and a diagonal, diamond pattern on its skin. The snake has a human-like face and is standing erect, looking at the viewer, its tail coiled left. See second copy in the bound periodical in the Reserve Collection. Verso blank.

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Box 1 Folder 3
The Gerbua or Yerboa.
[1774]; sheet: (20.5 x 13 cm). plate: (18 x 10.5 cm).
Brigham plate 40. Link to Brigham.

Engraved interior page for The Royal American Magazine; this copy has been removed from the volume and is matted and foldered. Image features a bordered scene of three jerboas in a landscape. In the foreground is a large jerboa facing left with mouse-like features including beady eyes, whiskers, a long tail and long nails. Behind him and to the left is a jumping jerboa and to the right a jerboa eating a plant. In the distance are hills. Image is signed beneath border “P Revere sc.” See second copy in the bound periodical in the Reserve Collection. Verso blank.

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Box 1 Folder 4
[Aaron Willard watch paper].
[ca. 1781]; sheet in diameter: (5 cm).
Brigham plate 58. Link to Brigham.

Circular watch paper featuring an allegorical scene. The text “A. Willard Watch & Clock Maker Boston” is surrounded in a decorative rope-like interior border and solid exterior border. There is an additional Chippendale style border inside. An angel, cherub or allegory of Fame is above the scene blowing a bugle and holding a watch; a rooster, tree, plants, round clock and Father Time looking left with a white beard surround the area beneath. On the verso is a manuscript note which reads “Oliver Jackson repair […] $1 […] May 28, 1817.” Note: sheet is sliced into fifths. See additional watch papers in Box 3 Folder 12; Box 3 Folder 13.  

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Box 1 Folder 5
[Masonic certificate for Samuel Welch]
[1780; mss. 1790]; sheet: (18 x 16 cm). plate: (trimmed and not visible). Link to record
Brigham plate 62. Link to Brigham.

Line-bordered certificate featuring an allegorical scene surrounding both manuscript and engraved text. Text reads “And the Darkness comprehended it not. In the East a place of Light where reigns Silence & Peace. We the Master, Wardens and Secretary of Rising States Lodged held in the Town of Boston and State of Massachusetts do certify that the Bearer hereof our worthy Brother Sam Welch has been regularly initiated in to the Second Degree of masonry. As such he has been received by Us and being a true and faithful brother is hereby recommended to the Favor and protection of all free and accepted masons wheresoever. I witness where of we have caus. in the Seat of our said Lodge to be hereunto affix’d this 25 day of July Salvation 1790 and of Masonry 5790.”

Allegorical figures include Faith and Hope on columned pedestals to the left and right – Hope with an anchor and Faith with an open book; in the distance is a third vacant pedestal. Figures are mounted on a tracing board. Beneath is a cloaked Charity, nursing a baby while two other children hover at her feet; one is reading an open book. Above the scene is an allegory of Fame – a winged, bare-breasted woman blowing a horn into the clouds to the left with a baton facing downwards. Beneath her are several Masonic symbols: an hourglass, skull and crossbones, square, compass, gavel, level and chisel. Charity’s arm is extended towards a placard listing the names “Paul Revere - M” “Robert Rogers - S.W.” “Simon Hall - J.W” and […] as secretary. Beneath image is text which reads “Printed & sold opposite Liberty stump. Boston” Note: the image is engraved on parchment and contains two slits for medal. Back reads: “Welch has been […] into the […] Boston Sep 30 1790 Paul Revere.” Related to certificate found in Box 2 Folder 5. On verso: Purchase information, 1915/6.

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Box 1 Folder 6
[Masonic notice addressed to Brother A.B.]
[ca. 1760]; sheet: (23.5 x 19.5 cm). plate: (22.5 x 18 cm). Link to record.
Brigham plate 60A. Link to Brigham.

Heavily decorated engraving featuring a Chippendale border surrounding an archway, alter, Masonic tessellated pavement, staircase and tiled floor of a Masonic tracing board. To the left and right of the archway are two figures standing on pedestals labeled “Virtue & Silence” and “True Friendship.” One is holding an open book and the other, a mallet or gavel. They are both wearing Masonic aprons.

An all-seeing eye is in the center as well as several winged-cherubs, a square, level, compass and book with Hebrew text. Inside the archway are the moon, the sun, three lit candles and a coffin with skull and crossbones and scythe. Inscription on brick-laid archway reads “Cemented with love.” Other images include a beehive, ruler, open tent, hourglass with crossed keys, sword, ark with house, dove with olive branch, façade of Solomon’s temple with columns, a mason in an apron at work with gavel, plumb rule, square, level, square and compass. There is also a bridge with three arches and trowel. To the left of the staircase is the Word “Boston” and the right “57” on the first step is the inscription “P Revere Sculp.” The text in center reads “Brother A.B. you are desired to meet the Worship Master & Bretheren of Lodge No. 169 Ancient York Masons on […] day Evening next at the House of Br S.N. precisely at 9 o’clock By order of the Master from your affectionate Br. F.R. sect.” On verso: Purchase information, 1957; Proceedings information as well.

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Box 1 Folder 7
A Warm Place – Hell.
[1765]; sheet: (13.5 x 14.5 cm). plate: (12 x 13.5 cm). Link to record.
Brigham plate 10. Link to Brigham.

Engraving of seventeen apprehensive looking men being prodded by two devils, one devil is to the left and one above the men. The winged devil above carries a pitchfork and says “push on Tim”; the one to the left has a pitchfork for a leg and a two-pronged tool stating, “now I’ve got you, a fine hawl by Jove.” The seventeen men are in colonial dress; one has a pig face and one looks to the devil above. Beneath their feet is a snake with a pointed tail. The men are being directed towards the open mouth of a dragon-like creature, Hell, with sharp teeth, breathing fire.

Text beneath reads “on brave Rescinders! To yon yawning bell, SEVENTEEN such Miscreants sure will startle Hell There puny Villains damn’d for petty Sin, On such distinguish’d Scoundrels gaze and grin: The out done: DEVIL will resign his Sway He never curst his MILLIONS in a day” and is noted beneath “Pubd. Accord’g to Act by M Darly.” On verso: “Bequest from Mary L. Eliot, who died Jan. 5, 1927.”

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Box 1 Folder 8
Joseph Webb Trade Card.
[ca. 1765]; sheet: (18.7 x 15.1 cm). plate: (17.9 x 14.5 cm). Link to record.
Brigham plate 54. Link to Brigham.

Engraved trade card for Joseph Webb featuring a Chippendale style border surrounding text; also included in the border are pails, tea kettles, pots, skillets, a laundry iron, a framed portrait, Masonic symbols and emblems such as a level, square and compass, figurines, tools, three flags (British) and other examples of iron wares and works. At the very top are several shelves, one central and two flanking the central sill; iron wares are displayed atop them. Text at top reads “To be sold by Joseph Webb at his store near Olivers Dock Boston” outside of the Chippendale border.

Inside the border is a list of goods to be sold: “Pot Ash Kettles & covers Fry kettles for Whaling, Potts & Kettles of all sizes Skillets of all Sizes Large & small Spiders Chimney Backs of all Sizes Clothiers Press Plates Sten Pans with Covers, Tea Kettles, Jamb Plates, Forge hammers & Anvils” followed by a break “|” and “Pudding pans & basons [sic], Cast Dogs of all sizes, Fry-pans & fry Kettles Ox & Horse Cart Waggon [sic] & Chaise, Boxes, Mortars & Pestles Sash weights Half & Quar: hundred: 14th & 17 w ts ring’d & seal’d Hatters basons & Irons Flatt Irons & heaters.” The text beneath these two columns reads, “All sorts of Cast Iron work, done in ye best Manner, on short Notice NB Sells all sorts of Ship Chandlery Stores &c.” Plate is signed at bottom right “Paul Revere Sculp” Note: copy contains a separate manuscript receipt for Webb’s business [PDF available here]. High-resolution scan available for order (front only): 002095-0001. On verso: mathematical notation; “Isaac Park[ins?]” “Mr. Paul [...]”

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Box 1 Folder 9
William Jackson Trade Card.
[ca. 1769]; sheet: (19 x 15.7 cm). plate: (17.5 x 14.5 cm).
Brigham plate 56. Link to Brigham.

Engraved trade card featuring a bust portrait of an unknown or imaginary male figure surrounded by flowers, leaves and an elaborate Chippendale style border which encircles the image. Text begins “William Jackson” in script followed by “at the brazen Head, next ye Town House Boston” and is followed by “Imports from London and Bristol Cloths of all kinds, Linnens of all sorts, Callicoes, a great Variety of Stuffs, Silks of different kinds, all sorts of Hosiery, with a full and General Assortment of English piece Goods, Brass, Kettles, London Pewter, Nails, Shott, Lead, Powder, Steel frying pans w’th a full Assortment of London & Birmingham & Sheffield Hardwares Window glass, looking Glasses, Tea, Spices, Starch, Pepper &c &c NB Money given at said Store.” On verso: Bot [sic] of William Jackson 2 doz Doz Silver Handle Knives forks 36_ 2 cases for ditto 5% 5.10_ 1 large [...] Water?] 3.5_ total [pound] 44.15. Aug 20, 1773 Contents Received Wm. Jackson.

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Box 1 Folder 10
Joshua Brackett Trade Card.
[ca. 1768]; sheet: (16 x 10 cm). plate (15.5 x 9.5 cm).
Similar Brigham plate 54. Link to Brigham.

Engraved billhead advertisement for the O[liver] Cromwell’s Head [Tavern]. Image features a bust portrait of Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658) with beard in military attire facing left. Text beneath is written on a ribbon-scroll and reads “O. Cromwell’s Head. School Street Boston” and signed beneath “P. Revere Sc.” The top of the oval portrait features grapes and leaves and above on a ribbon scroll “Joshua Brackett.” Beneath the portrait is engraved text with lines for charges including “Board” “Lodging” “Eating” “Wine” “Punch” “Porter” “Liquor” “Horse-keeping” “Oats”; this particular copy is filled in and denotes the total in British pounds and is made out for “Mr. Willis’s Bill.” Image is signed beneath bottom ribbon “P Revere Sculp.” See second copy in Box 3 Folder 7. On verso: inscription – “Joshua Brackett Bill 1773 Receiv’d by Above in full of Cpt. [Tyley?] Josa Brackett Boston 16 July 1775.”

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Box 1 Folder 11
William Breck Trade Card.
[ca. 1768]; sheet: (19.9 x 15.9 cm). plate: (18 x 13.8 cm).
Brigham plate 55. Link to Brigham.

Engraved trade card which features a heavily decorated border with flowers, flourishes and leaves in a Chippendale style border. At the top is an elaborate door-key surrounded by a circular-Chippendale border; beneath the key is the text “William Breck” with flourishes followed by “at the Golden Key near the draw-Bridge Boston.” It is signed beneath, inside the border itself, “P. Revere sculp.”

Engraved text in-between reads “Imports & Sells at the Lowest advance for Cash London Pewter, Brass Kettles, Nails, Powder Shott, Lead warming & Frying pans, Steel, Window Glass, flat & box Irons, Sans, Files, Knives, Sickles, Sithes [sic], Locks, Hinges, desk Furniture, Tin-Plates, Brass & Iron Wire Lanthom-leaves, hollow Ware, ship Chandlers Stores, wth [with] a general Assortment of Braziers Iron Mongers & Cutlars Wares Cash for Old Pewter” and outside the border “NB All Sort of Tin Ware Made & Sold at Said Place.” On verso: Purchased information, 1915; also "Wm George Breck Bot of Wm Breck Boston 7 Oct 1770. 1 gall Pott Seal’d 3.12 1 half Gall [...], 1 qt and 1 pt Potts 3 [pound] Rec’d the Contents Wm Breck.” “Wm Breck” “Bill and Received” “Oct 7 1770” “[pound] 077”


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