In Pursuit of a Vision > Case 3 > Brinley > Wo to Drunkards...


The Details:

Increase Mather. Wo to Drunkards. Two Sermons Testifying against the Sin of DrunkennessCambridge, Massachusetts: Marmaduke Johnson for Edmund Ranger, 1673. [catalog record]

Purchased with funds bequeathed by George Brinley, 1879.

The Story:

Among the Mather works purchased at the Brinley sales was this noteworthy copy of Increase Mather’s first published sermon. The leader of Boston’s North Church wrote, “Time was when there was not need for Ministers to preach much against [drunkenness] in New-England; Oh that it were so now!” Wo to Drunkards is notable for its early use of Greek and Hebrew types.

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Cotton Mather's Letter in Case 1

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