HomeSearching Printers

Searching Printers

For more information about featured printers, see Featured Stories.

The black printers we identified on the list are:

R. L. Pendleton (Robert Lewis)

Industrial Student Printers of Wilberforce University

John J. Zuille

Daniel Laing, Jr.

Thomas Hamilton

Standardized list of printers as listed in the imprint:

A.M.E. Book Concern* (2)

Adams, B. S.  (1)

Adams, S. & J. (3)

Agnew and Deffebach (1)

Albro, B. T. (6)

Angell & Co. (1)

Angell, James (1)

Anthony, E. and Sons (3)

Bailey, R. W. (1)

Bazin and Chandler (1)

Beardsley and Snoddgrass (1)

Benedict, S. W. & Co. (1)

Beresford (1)

Bill, Horace N. (1)

Bliss, A.T. & Co. (1)

Boyd, Joseph B. (1)

Bradford, T. and Hall, P. (1)

Bradley and Gilbert (2)

Brown  (1)

Brown, A.G. & Co. (7)

Brown, A.G. & Co.

Brown, A.G. & Co.

Brown, A.G. & Co.

Brown, A.G. & Co.

Brown, A.G. & Co.

Brown, A.G. & Co.

Brown, A.G. & Co. and Wood, Frank (1)

Brown, W. F. & Co. (1)

Bull and Tuttle (1)

Bulletin Company (2)

Bunce & Co. (1)

Bunce and Gray (1)

Bunce, G. F. (1)

Burbank, Carles W. & co. (1)

Burke, J. W. (2)

Calvo, Charles A. Jr. (1)

Carrol and Patterson (1)

Case, Lockwood & Company (10)

Case, Tiffany & Company (1)

Chew Printers (1)

Chew, S. (1)

Chickering and Axtell (2)

Chronicle & Sentinel Office (1)

Chronicle Print (1)

Clark, Darius (1)

Clarke, R. & Co. (2)

Colby and Rich (2)

Colesworth  (1)

Collier and Buel (1)

Collins (1)

Congressional Globe Office (2)

Conkey, W. B. (1)

Coolidge and Wiley (1)

Coombs, Edward S. (3)

Coombs, Edward S. (1)

Covington, J. W. (1)

Cranston & Stowe (5)

Crukshank, Joseph (2)

Cunningham, John H. (2)

Daily and Weekly Star Office (1)

Daily Press Print (1)

Daily Tribune Book and Job Printing Office (2)

Daly (1)

Damrell & Moore (1)

Darby, R. H.  (2)

Daugherty, Maguire and Wright (1)

Day, Mahlon (1)

Day, Matthias (1)

Democrat Book amd [sic] Job Printing House (1)

Dewey, C. P. (1)

Dickson, R. F. (1)

Dow and Jackson (1)

Eckerle Printing Company (2)

Edes, Benjamin (1)

Edwards and Broughton (3)

Egbert, Hovey and King (1)

Ela, David H. (1)

Elder, A. W. (1)

Ellis, George H. (2)

Enterprise Publishing Company (3) – see Featured Stories for more information

Evening News Printing and Binding House (1)

[Fay, Josiah] (1)

Fay, William (3)

Ferguson printing company (1)

Ferguson, George S. (6)

Fisher, John (1)

Fleet, T. & J. (1)

Foote & Davies Co. (1)

Fry and Kammerer (1)

Gales and Son (1)

Gibbons, William P. (1)

Gibson & Dennis (1)

Gibson Brothers (2)

Goodard, William and Angell, James (2)

Grant, Faires & Rodgers (1)

Gray, John A. (2)

Gray, John A. & Green (2)

Guernsey, L. M. (1)

Guest, Aaron (2)

Hamilton, Thomas (1)

Hand, B. (1)

Hardcastle and Van Pelt (1)

Harrell (1)

Haven, W. S. (1)

Heartt, D. (1)

Heartt, Dennis (1)

Hemingford ledger (1)

Hewes and Watson (2)

Highland Democrat (1)

Hoekstra, Egbert (1)

Holden, W. W. & Son (1)

Holsey, S. L. (1)

Holt, C. (1)

[Hooton & Teprell?] (1)

Hooton, D. (1)

Howells, J. A. & Co. (1)

Howland, Henry J. (2)

Hudson and Goodwin (1)

Indianapolis Journal Company (1)

Industrial Student Printers (1)

Ingalls & Stowell (1)

Innes & Co. (1)

Inskeep Printing Company (1)

J.B. Lippincott Company (1)

Jackson, Christopher (2)

Jenkins, Edward O. (1)

Jennings & Graham (1)

Johns & Co. (1)

Johnson (1)

Joliet Daily Record (1)

Journal Job Print. Co. (1)

Journal Print (1)

Judd and Detweiler (1)

Keenedy and Magauran (1)

King & Baird (6)

Kinney, Marsh and Barnes (1)

Kneeland, J. C. (1)

Laing, Daniel Jr. (2)- for more information see “Featured Stories)

Lauer and Yost  (1)

Lawrence, Daniel (1)

Leader Printing Company (1)

Leavitt, James S. (1)

Lee, Mann & Co. (1)

Lindsey, Benjamin (1)

Lippencott, J. B. & Co. (2)

Little, J. J. & Co. (3)

Lovell and Gibbson (1)

M'Gill & Witherow (1)

Manning, T. S. (1)

Marks & Co. (1)

Martin and Boden (1)

Marvin, T. R. & Son. (1)

[Matlack, L. C.?] (1)

Maxwell, James (1)

McDonnel, Charles H. (1)

McKenna (1)

McMillian, J. & A. (1)

Mercury Steam Printing House. (1)

Merrihew & Gunn (4)

Merrihew & Son (7)

Merrihew & Thompson (3)

Michell (1)

Moore, W. H. (1)

Morning News Print (1)

Morning star job printing house (1)

Nevins' Steam Printing House (1)

New Era Printing Establishment (1)

New National Era Print (1)

New York Globe Print (1)

Newcomb and Gauss (1)

Newman, S. B. (1)

Nicholas, J. (1)

Ormrod, John (1)

Owl Printery (1)

Pattison, George W. (1)

Patton, D. G. (2)

Pendleton, R. L. (5)

Peterson, Benjamin F. (1)

Pindexter, N. M. (1)

Pleasants, Samuel Jr. (1)

Plowman, T. L. (1)

Polkinhorn, H. (1)

Pomeroy, George E. & Co. (1)

Post Express Printing Company (2)

Pratt and Battle (1)

Pratt, W.W. & L.A (1)

Prentis, William (1)

Prentis, William and Murray, William Y. (1)

Prentiss and Sawyer (1)

Publishing House of the M.E. Church (1)

Publishing House of the M.E. Church, South (1)

Pudney, J. S. (1)

Pughe, E. H. (1)

Rakestraw, Joseph (1)

Rand, George C. and Avery (1)

Reese, G. & co. (1)

Register Printing Company (1)

Reid, J.A. & R.A (1)

Rein & Sons Co. (1)

Republic Printing Company (1)

Republican & Journal Print (1)

Republican Book and Job Office (1)

Republican Printing Company (3)

Republican Printing Office (1)

Richmond and Backus (2)

Riehl Printing Co. (1)

Ringwalt and Brown (1)

Roanoke news book and job office (1)

Robison, W. S. & Co (1)

Rodgers, Jas. B. (1)

Russell and Green (1)

Salem Observer (3)

Salem Press (2)

Sears and Martin (1)

Sentinel Office (1)

Seymour, J. (1)

Shenkland & Harmon (1)

Sherman, C. Son & Co. (1)

Sherwood (2)

Shotwell & Co. (1)

Sieg (1)

Skinner, L. (1)

Smith Printing Company (2)

Smith, J. T. (1)

South Side Printing Company (1)

Speaker, Eml. S. (1)

Springfield Printing Company (1)

Stanley, W. H. (1)

State Company Printers (1)

Stephens, H. (1)

Stephens, James (1)

Sterett, B. F. (1)

Stiles, James T. (1)

[Stiles, Thomas T.] (2)

Stone, J. H. (1)

Strong and Dawson (1)

Strong, A. & co. (1)

Taylor, H. S. (2)

Taylor, M. W. and Echols, W. C. (3)

Teachers' Journal Office (1)

The Emancipator (1)

Thomas, C. F. (1)

Tift, James H. (1)

Tobitt, J. H. (1)

Torchlight Company (1)

Torrey, J. G. (2)

Totten, John C. (3)

Tousey, Sinclair (4)

Trow, J. F. (1)

Truair, J. G. K. & Co. (1)

Tunis Steam Printing Company (1)

Union Star (1)

United Brethren Publishing House (1)

Van Steenbergh, John B. (1)

Walker, John (1)

Walker, Thomas (1)

Warwick Printing Company (1)

Watkin, H. (1)

Watson and Goodwin (1)

[Watson, Ebenezer?] (1)

Weishampel, J. F. (4)

Wells, John C. (1)

Wesleyan book room (1)

Whitney, Harry (1)

Wilson, Joseph M. (1)

Wise (1)

Women's Print Union (1)

Wood, Samuel (2)

Woodhouse, William? (1)

Woods, J. W. (2)

Woodward, William W. (1)

Worrell, W. H. (1)

Wright (1)

Wynkoop, Hallenbeck, Crawford Company (2)

Xenia Gazette Office (1)

Yerrinton, J. B. & Son (2)

York Dispatch Print. (3)

Young, James (1)

Young, John (1)

Young, William (1)

Zuille and Leonard (1)

Zuille, John J. (2)

* Texts printed by the AME Book Concern were only included if the imprint included “printed by” Otherwise, the AME was assumed to be the publisher.