

Black Self-Publishing is a new form of digital bibliography that describes self-published works by early African American authors. The site is an example of collaborative bibliographic scholarship, and a tool and platform for innovative teaching and learning. It aims to foster the developmentAAS Intern Sadie Van Vranken measuring type and promotion of research in early African American print culture by generating a new shared archive. Black Self-Publishing is not only a recovery project for lesser-known African American texts and authors, it is also a platform that can generate new interpretative frameworks both for research in African American print culture and for digital bibliographic projects.

The project is hosted by the American Antiquarian Society, a national research library of American history and culture through 1876 which has been sharing American stories for more than two hundred years. AAS strives to present the primary collections they hold in new and innovative ways to encourage their use and expand our understanding of the past and its impact on the present.

Learn more about:

  • Searching gives detailed guidance on how information about individual titles, authors, and more is arranged
  • Methodology outlines how texts were selected and what sources were used
  • Printing provides the briefest of overviews of the history of printing and publishing in the long nineteenth century
  • Definitions describes how terms are being used and defined
  • Credits