
“Human nature is rarely so abased as not to love liberty.…So long as there is a slave there will be rebellion.” History of American Conspiracies (1863)

Some writers focused on the abuse of Nat Turner in particular and the evils of slavery in general to explain what motivated Turner. Particular abuses Turner experienced were at times cited in these accounts, such as Styron’s depiction of Turner’s mother being raped. In such accounts, the institution of slavery rendered Turner and his followers so desperate that such violence was their only recourse. 

The Black Man The Black Man: His antecedents, his genius, and his achievement The Confessions of Nat Turner The Confessions of Nat Turner (1831)
Styron Confessions The Confessions of Nat Turner (Styron novel) Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp
Maum Guinea Maum Guinea and Her Plantation "Children" Nat Turner by Paul Peters Nat Turner by Paul Peters
Nat Turner’s Insurrection "Nat Turner’s Insurrection" from Atlantic Monthly Old Dominion Old Dominion
History of American Conspiracies "The Southampton Slave Insurrection" from History of American Conspiracies Speech of James M’Dowell, Jr. Speech of James M’Dowell, Jr.