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  • Tags: Men

Honorable Timothy Paine

Bust length silhouette of Timothy Paine, of Worcester. Includes a label listing his dates and the dates of the various positions he held in the city.

William King silhouettes and advertisement

Sheet with three hollow-cut silhouettes, one has painted detail) pasted onto a sheet of paper. Painted silhouette possibly Colonel Phinch or Dryden? Also has an advertisement "Correct profile likenesses

Unknown Man

Bust length hollow-cut partial silhouette of a man, with ink and watecolor detail. Within painted black wooden frame.

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Unknown Man

Bust length hollow-cut partial silhouette of a man, wearing a suit, with ink and watercolor detail. In paitned black wooden frame.

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Unknown Man

Bust length hollow-cut silhouette of a man. In round painted black wooden frame.

Timothy Newhall Wood

Bust length hollow-cut silhouette of Timothy Newhall Wood, with ink detail. In gilt wooden frame.

Baron Alexander von Humboldt

Bust length hollow-cut silhouette of Baron Alexander von Humboldt in a painted wooden frame.

D. Stillman

Bust length hollow-cut silhouette of Dr. Stillman in a painted wooden frame.

Levi Lincoln Jr.

Hollow-cut silhouette of the head of Levi Lincoln Jr. within a gilt wooden frame.

Gov. Langdon

Bust length hollow-cut silhouette of New Hampshire governor John Langdon.