

For more items related to silhouettes within the collections of the American Antiquarian Society, click here.

For more digital resources, including illustrated inventories and online exhibits from the Society's collections, click here.

Further Reading:

Carrick, Alice Van Leer, " Novelties in Old American Profiles", Antiques, October, 1928, p. 322ff.

DiCicco, Vincent. "Silhouette Portraiture in America," Folk Art (Fall, 2001).

Lister, Raymond, Silhouettes (London: Pitman, 1955).

Oliver, Andrew. Auguste Edouart's Silhouettes of Eminent Americans, 1839-1844. Charlottesville: National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, by the University Press of Virginia, 1977.



This is an illustrated inventory of the American Antiquarian Society. Created by Christine Graham-Ward, Visual Materials Cataloger, 2016.