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The Illustrated Inventory of Paul Revere's works
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Revere Collection - Newspaper and Periodical Cuts in Lead

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From Newspaper Collection [NewsD MA Bost Gaze - click for record]
[Masthead of the Boston Gazette and Country Journal]
[ca. 1769]; sheet: (bound; 38 x 25 cm). masthead: (6.3 x 25 cm).
Brigham plate 67. Link to Brigham.

Woodcut in the center of a masthead/banner flanked by the title of the newspaper. The masthead reads The Boston-Gazette and Country Journal with the text divided by a bordered illustration. Beneath are two leads and the italic text reading “Containing the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic.” Beneath are two more lead bars and the date with weekday, month, day and year. The illustrative graphic features a seated woman to the right, Britannia, with a wreath and liberty pole with cap; under her robes is the shield of Britain; to the left is a tree with overhanging branches. The woman is opening the door to a birdcage on a pedestal and releasing and freeing the dove of peace. In the distance is a town/city view with church/meetinghouse spires.

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From Newspaper Collection [NewsD MA Bost Gaze - click for record]
[Cut of four coffins for the Boston Gazette and Country Journal]
[1770]; sheet: (bound; 39 x 24.5 cm). cut: (4 x 7.5 cm).
Brigham plate 69. Link to Brigham.

Woodcut illustration which appears inside an article on the Boston Massacre in the left hand column in the Boston Gazette for March 12, 1770. The four coffins appear side by side horizontally. Each has a small line border. In the center of the four coffins is a skull and crossbones; on the one second from the left is a scythe and hourglass. Appearing in white at the top of the four coffins are initials “S.G.” [Samuel Gray] “S.M.” [Samuel Maverick] “J.C.” [James Caldwell] and “C.A.” [Crispus Attucks]. Image of coffins also appears on a broadside accounts of the Massacre “An Account of a late military massacre at Boston” Bib ID 313508 and “An Account of a late military massacre at Boston” Bib ID 313509, not at AAS.

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From Newspaper Collection [NewsD MA Bost Gaze - click for record]
[Cut of one coffin for the Boston Gazette and Country Journal]
[1770]; sheet: (bound; 38.4 x 24 cm). cut: (4 x 1.7 cm).
No Brigham plate.

Woodcut illustration which appears inside an article on the Boston Massacre in the upper left hand column of the Boston Gazette for March 19, 1770; image of the coffin, as well as the article, appear inside a bordered frame. The coffin has a small line border. In the center of the coffins is a skull and crossbones. Appearing in white at the top of the is initials “P.C.” [Patrick Carr]. Image of coffin also appears on a broadside account of the Massacre, “An Account of a late military massacre at Boston” Bib ID 313509, not at AAS.

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From Newspaper Collection [NewsD MA Bost Mass - click for record]
[Masthead of The Massachusetts Spy]
[1771]; sheet: (bound; 43 x 29 cm). masthead: (9 x 29 cm).
Brigham plate 70. Link to Brigham.

Illustrated masthead which features the text The Massachusetts Spy in the center heavily decorated with flourishes and scrolls. To the left and right are two medallion shaped illustrations both with Chippendale-style mantling. To the left is an allegorical figure of a woman, Liberty, holding a liberty pole with cap. She is leaning against a pedestal and a rolled copy of the Spy. To the right in an additional illustration featuring two nude, kneeling figures who are removing flowers from a central basket. Beneath them on a ribbon scroll is the text “They cull the choicest.”

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From Newspaper Collection [NewsD MA Newb Esse - click for record]
[Masthead of The Essex Journal and Merimack [sic] Packet]
[ca. 1773]; sheet: (bound; 38 x 23 cm). masthead: (8 x 25 cm).
Brigham plate 67. Link to Brigham.

Two woodcuts bordering the title of the newspaper, The Essex journal and Merrimack packet: or, The Massachusetts and New-Hampshire general advertiser. The “Essex Journal” is in decorative script with numerous flourishes. Beneath the title of the paper is a lead with the volume, date and number of the paper. The two medallion shaped illustrations are enclosed in a Chippendale style border. To the left is a Native American in an outdoor landscape. He has a bow in his right hand and an arrow in his left; attached to his back is a quiver of arrows. The medallion to the right has a ship enclosed

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From Reserve Collection [Reserve 1774 - click for record]
[Vignette for the title page of The Royal American Magazine]
[1774]; sheet: (bound; 23.3 x 15.2 cm). cut: (5.2 x 8.5 cm).
Brigham plate 69. Link to Brigham.

Woodcut illustration which is flanked by the text “The Royal American Magazine” above and “or Universal Repository of Instruction and Amusement” below. Image features two figures in an outdoor scene. The vignette is surrounded by a Chippendale style border. To the left, seated, is an allegory of America as a Native American, bare-chested with a feather skirt. In her right hand is a bow, and in her left a fan of feathers and a calumet pipe. At her feet is a quiver with arrows. Behind her is a bush. Standing in front of her is an allegory of a woman, the Genius of Knowledge, in robes holding a small vase; she is pointing her finger upwards.

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From Newspaper Collection [NewsD MA Bost Mass - click for record]
[Masthead of The Massachusetts Spy or Thomas’s Boston Journal]
[1774]; sheet: (bound; 44 x 29 cm). masthead: (10.9 x 29.3 cm).
Brigham plate 70. Link to Brigham.

Illustrated masthead which features the text The Massachusetts Spy in the center heavily decorated with flourishes and scrolls. To the left and right are two medallion shaped illustrations with Chippendale-style border. To the left is an allegorical figure of a woman, Liberty, holding a liberty pole with cap; she is leaning against a pedestal and a rolled copy of the Spy. To the right in an illustration featuring two nude, kneeling figures who are removing flowers from a central basket. Beneath them on a ribbon scroll is the text “They cull the choicest.” Note: top two images are the same as the 1771 Thomas’s Spy. Following the central mast is the text Or, Thomas’s Boston Journal and beneath that, in a headline “’Do thou great liberty inspire our Souls – and make our lives in thy possession happy-Or, or Deaths glorious in Thy just defense.” Beneath that is the date line with volume, day, month date, year and number. Beneath this line is the iconic snake with the text “Join or die” above.

The snake is divided into the following segments from left to right, tail to head “G” [Georgia] “SC” [South Carolina] “NC” [North Carolina], “V” [Virginia], “M” [Maryland], “P” [Pennsylvania], “NJ” [New Jersey], “NY” [New York], and “NE” [New England]. To the left is a dragon-like creature with wings, forked tone and tail.

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From Newspaper Collection [NewsD MA Worc Thom - click for record]
[Masthead of Thomas’s Massachusetts Spy]
[1781]; sheet: (bound; 37 x 24.9 cm). masthead: (8.5 x 24.9 cm).
Brigham plate 70. Link to Brigham.

Illustrated masthead which features the title flanked by two-medallion shaped illustrations. At the top Thomas’s appears in a ribbon scroll and beneath that is a star and Massachusetts Spy with flourishes and fern-shaped scrolls. The medallion to the left features an allegory of a Native American with a liberty cap and pole standing on one piece of land and pointing a spear towards a lion, presumably Britain, on a separate piece of land. Surrounding the image is the text “Liberty Defended From Tyranny.” To the left in an additional medallion which features two clasping hands in the center; above them is a dagger pointed upwards. Beneath them are three fleur-de-les in a shield and below that the text “Union.” Surrounding the image are thirteen linked rings, each with a star in the center.


This site last updated: March 2011
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