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The Illustrated Inventory of Paul Revere's works
at the American Antiquarian Society - Revere Elsewhere - and anywhere

While AAS maintains an extensive collection of Paul Revere primary and supporting material, there still remain items listed in his Day Book which have not been located. Here we provide a list of these items as they appear in Brigham’s text and Revere's Day Book, in hopes that they may someday be brought to light. Mentions include engravings on copper for prints, maps, advertising cards, bookplates, and other printed items. If you see an item missing, or would like to see something included, please contact the Graphic Arts Department.

Table of items where existence is unknown:

Date of account(s): Recipient: Item:

March 25, 1762

Fowle and Draper, printer

Leaden plate/illustration 1

June 14, 176238.111.225.15

Nathaniel Fosdike

Hat label/bill

June 14, 1762

Increase Blake

Copper plate/prints

August 18, 1762

William Hichborn

Hat label/bill

August 28, 1764

Nathaniel Baker

Hat label/bill

January 15, 1765

Captain William Ellery Jr.


January 20, 1765

Shubal Hews

Lead Plate; advertisement

May 7, 1765

Matthew Lindsey

Copper plate/prints

November 14, 1766 Captain Caleb Hopkins Masons Lodge notification

February 1, 1768

Edes and Gill, printer

Twenty-nine cuts

February 1, 1768

Mein and Fleming, printer

Lead Plates

January 3, 1771

Samuel Hewes

Copper plate and prints for spermaceti cans [candles]

April 3, 1771 Edes and Gill, printer Types for newspaper

January 1, 1773;
September 2, 1773;
February 6, 1774

William Boardman

Hat label/bill

February 11, 1773 Edes and Gill, printer Plate for indenture

May 10, 1773;
October 25, 1773;
June 7, 1774
March 20, 1775

Ezra Collins

Hat label/bill

October 10, 1783;

William Boardman & Sons

Hat label/bill

August 10, 1784

Abraham Adams

Hat label/bill

March 13, 1786

Benjamin Warren Plimouth (Plymouth)

Compass cards

April 16, 1792;
June 24, 1792-January 28, 1797

William Williams

Hat label/bill

April 16, 1792

Saron Belcher

Hat label/bill

November 15, 1792;
December 9, 1792;
January 24, 1793

Charles Smith

Hat label/bill

December 9, 1794

Samuel Barry

Hat label/bill

Table of items where existence is known:




Jonathan Mayhew portrait

New York Public Library

To Digital Gallery record

Florida Map for Bernard Roman’s Concise History

Library of Congress; Florida Historical Society; Clements Library

To Book record

Broadside Account of Boston Massacre

New York Historical Society

To Broadside record

Masonic certificate for [Samuel White], Marblehead Lodge

Private collection

No link available

Rescinders Broadside

Sheffield City Library, Sheffield, UK

No link available

John Piemont Billhead [entry from June 7, 1774]

Found in the Town of Danvers Accounts; stored and part of the collections of the Danvers Archival Center

To PDF (reproduction and article; special thank you to Richard Trask)

[Two detais above from "View of the Colleges in Cambridge" Box 2 Folder 4]

1. Brigham found one item published by Fowle & Draper in 1762, James Hervey’s Treatise on the Religious Education of Daughters which he says “looks like Revere’s” but had been used in a 1760 pamphlet and so could not have been Revere’s handiwork. Since Brigham’s text, a 1762 imprint by Fowle & Draper has been found An Account of the remarkable conversion of a little boy and girl which contains an illustration, which may or may not be by Revere. There is also A New Gift for Children 4th ed with a portrait of King George III published by Fowle and Draper which looks similar in style to Revere’s portraits (in particular his Dickinson portrait). The only known copy is at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. A variation of this appeared in Isaiah Thomas’s 1772 Almanac (with the woodcut of the Boston Massacre scene).

Know of a item/institutuion you would like to see listed? Email the Graphic Arts Department at reproductions[at]


This site last updated: March 2011
This site and all contents © 2011 American Antiquarian Society