In Pursuit of a Vision > Floor Case > Munson > Gibbs' Diary


The Details:

Caleb Gibbs. Diary, 1778. In: Poor Will’s Pocket Almanack, for the Year 1778; Fitted to the use of Pennsylvania Philadelphia: J. Crukshank, 1777. [catalog record]

Gift of Samuel L. Munson, 1925.

The Story:

Samuel L. Munson’s gift of 3,782 American almanacs also augmented AAS’s collection of early diaries. Almanacs were often sold interleaved; the blank pages inserted opposite calendar pages allowed owners to write daily entries. This 1778 almanac contains the diary of Captain Caleb Gibbs.  Selected by George Washington to lead the Commander-in-Chief’s Guard, Gibbs began this diary while stationed at Valley Forge.  It records social visits to camp by Martha Washington, as well as military actions.

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