In Pursuit of a Vision > Case 1 > Mather Crocker > Hieroglyphica


The Details:

Archibald Simson. Hieroglyphica Animalium Terrestrium, Natatilium, Reptilium, Insectorum … quæ in Scripturis Sacris InveniunturEdinburgh: Thomas Finlayson, 1622 [i.e. 1624]. [catalog record]

Gift of Isaiah Thomas and Hannah Mather Crocker, 1814.

The Story:

The Mather library was said to number some 7,000 volumes at Cotton Mather’s death in 1728. By 1814 only 900 volumes remained with his grand-daughter Hannah Mather Crocker. Simson’s work, which describes all of the animals mentioned in the Bible, bears on the title page the ownership signature of three generations of Mathers -- Increase (“Crescentius”), Cotton and Nathaniel.

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