John Hancock's Clock - The Society’s Hancock clock came into the collections along with a settee and desk around the time of Samuel Foster Haven’s arrival. His handwritten note placed inside the clock gave information about its provenance. “This clock was the property of Governor John Hancock. Presented to the American Antiquarian Society July, 1838, by John Chandler, Esq., of Petersham, Mass.” Thomas Hancock ordered the clock to be sent from London, and it descended to John Hancock, whose 1794 inventory listed a walnut-cased clock valued at £6.  Chandler purchased the clock from Hancock’s estate.  Devereux Bowley, London, 1738, tall clock with walnut veneer. Gift of John Chandler, 1838.

The marble bust of Isaiah Thomas is by Benjamin H. Kinney of Worcester, 1859 (Hewes 130). The bust at left, of an unknown woman, was presented by Stephen Salisbury III (Hewes 162).

The Amerian Antiquarian Society, 1812-2012 - A View at the Bicentennial
A Love of Order and Antiquity - Samuel Foster Haven, 1838-81