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Artist Index
to Painted Portraits, Miniatures and Sculpted Portrait Busts
(Click the name for complete portrait information)
Note: sitter(s) listed below artist in italics

Aiken, Charles Avery
            | Henry M. Wheeler
Alexander, Francis
            | Hannah Adams
Artist Unknown
            | Wade Barker
            | William Burnet
            | John Chandler
            | Henry Clay
            | David Hall
            | Elizabeth Prescott Hall
            | William Henshaw
            | Samuel Roosevelt Johnson
            | Thaddeus Maccarty
            | Cotton Mather
            | Increase Mather
            | Increase Mather
            | Thomas Paine
            | James Porter
            | Maria Catherine Smith

            | Mary Gay Swan
            | Timothy Swan
            | Frederick William Thomas
            | Frederick William Thomas
            | Isaiah Thomas, Sr.
            | Robert Bailey Thomas
            | Mary Catlin Upham
            | Daniel Webster
            | Benjamin West
            | Mary Maccarty West
            | John Winthrop
            | John Winthrop
            | Sitter Unknown, female
            | Sitter Unknown, female
            | Sitter Unknown, female
            | Sitter Unknown, female
            | Sitter Unknown, female
            | Sitter Unknown, male
            | Sitter Unknown, male
            | Sitter Unknown, male
Badger, Joseph
            | Ellis Gray
            | Thomas Prince

Belknap, Zedekiah
            | Hannah Beaman Thomas
            | Robert Bailey Thomas

Billings, Edwin T.
            | John Davis
            | Calvin Willard

Brown, Mather
            | Mather Brown
            | Mather Byles, Jr.

Carpenter, Francis B.
            | Charles Sumner
            | Daniel Webster

Catlin, George
            | DeWitt Clinton
Ceracchi, Giuseppe
            | Paul Revere
Chandler, Winthrop
            | Elizabeth Frink Chandler
            | Mary Gleason Chandler
            | Theophilus Chandler
            | Winthrop Chandler

Chatterton, Harry B.
            | Arthur Prentice Rugg
Cheney, Mary L.
            | Eleanor Grace Goddard Daniels
            | Marion Williams Goddard

Codman, William P.
            | John Moore, Jr.
Coles, John, Sr.
            | John Wheelwright
Copley, John Singleton
            | Mather Byles, Sr.
Corné, Michele Felice
            | John Endecott
            | John Leverett

Cornish, John
            | Charles Paxton
Custer, Edward L.
            | Samuel Foster Haven
DeCamp, Joseph R.
            | Benjamin Franklin Thomas
Dickinson, Anson
            | Edward Everett
Doyle, William M.S.
            | Isaiah Thomas, Sr.
Draper, William F.
            | Thomas W. Streeter
Emmet, Elizabeth
            | Robert Fulton
Emmons, Nathaniel
            | Samuel Sewall
Fisher, Alvan
            | Aaron Bancroft
Foster, John
            | Richard Mather
Frankenstein, John Peter
            | Lewis Foulke Thomas
Frothingham, James
            | William Bentley
Goodridge, Eliza
            | Sophia Dwight Foster Burnside
            | Lydia Stiles Foster
            | The Foster Children
            | Rebecca Faulkner Foster (1761-1834)
            | Henry Knox Newcomb
            | Mary Maccarty Stiles Newcomb
            | John William Stiles
            | Lydia Stiles
            | Lydia Stiles
            | Mary Maccarty Stiles (1775-1836)

            | Mary Maccarty Stiles (1807-72)
            | Mary Maccarty Stiles (1807-72)
Goodridge, Sarah
            | Christopher Columbus Baldwin
            | Edward Everett

Greenwood, Ethan Allen
            | Elijah Brigham
            | Sarah Brigham
            | Isaiah Thomas, Jr.
            | Isaiah Thomas, Sr.

Greenwood, John
            | Samuel Mather
Gullager, Christian
            | John May
            | Abigail Leonard West
            | David West, Jr.
            | David West, Sr.

Hanatschek, Hermann
            | Henry Winchester Cunningham
Harding, Chester
            | Christopher Columbus Baldwin
            | Edward Dillingham Bangs
            | William Paine

Harris, Philip Spooner
            | Horace Greeley
Harris, Samuel
            | John Rogers
Hazard, Arthur M.
            | Georgia Grace Watson Daniels
            | Bruce Goddard Daniels           
            | Harry Williams Goddard
Hildebrandt, Howard Logan
            | Charles Lemuel Nichols
Hillyer, William, Jr.
            | Benjamin Chapin
Huntington, Daniel
            | Stephen Salisbury II
Jackson, Charles Akerman
            | George Frisbie Hoar
Johnston, John
            | Samuel Dexter
            | Stephen Peabody

Johnston, Thomas Murphy
            | David Claypool Johnston
Kahill, Joseph B.
            | James Phinney Baxter
Kinney, Benjamin
            | Isaac Davis
            | Isaiah Thomas, Sr.

            | Isaiah Thomas, Sr.
Lewis, William
            | Francis Hilliard
            | Robert Wallace McNair

Lincoln, James Sullivan
            | Abijah Bigelow
            | William Comstock

Low, Mary Fairchild
            | Eleanor Daniels
            | Eleanor Grace Goddard Daniels
            | Georgia Grace Watson Goddard

Mackay/M’Kay, John
            | Hannah Ackley Bush
            | John Bush

McIntire, Samuel
            | Voltaire (Francoise Marie Arouet)
            | John Winthrop

Micali, H. et fils
            | Benjamin Franklin
            | George Washington

Newton, Sir William John
            | Alexander Hill Everett
Osgood, Charles
            | Thomas Lindall Winthrop
Otis, Bass
            | Bass Otis
Pelham, Peter
            | Mather Byles, Sr.
            | Cotton Mather

Philips, Richard
            | Samuel Mather
Pratt, Matthew
            | Charity Platt Bush
            | John Bush
Pulido, Numael
            | Marcus Allen McCorison
Rauschner, John Christian
            | James Sullivan
Resnikoff, Irving
            | Clarence S. Brigham
Robertson, Archibald
            | Andrew Craigie, Jr.
            | Elizabeth Gardner Craigie
            | Bossenger Foster, Jr.
            | Mary Craigie Foster

Ropes, George, Jr.
            | George Curwin
Salisbury, Frank O.
            | Clarence Winthrop Bowen
            | Calvin Coolidge
            | Waldo Lincoln

Schipper, Gerrit
            | Elizabeth Mary Thomas Soper
            | Isaiah Thomas, Sr.
            | Isaiah Thomas, Sr.
            | Mary Thomas Fowle Thomas
            | Mary Weld Thomas
            | Hannah Weld

Southward, George
            | John Endecott
Staigg, Richard Morell
            | Rebecca Faulkner Foster (1832-1927)
Stephenson, Peter
            | Nathan Webb
Vinton, Frederic P.
            | Stephen Salisbury III
Watson, John
            | Gabriel Stelle
Wight, Moses
            | Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt
Willard, William
            | George Frisbie Hoar
            | Charles Sumner
            | Daniel Webster
            | William Willard

Wright, George F.
            | Richard Mather
Young, James Harvey
            | Edward Everett


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