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A portrait of “General Andrew Jackson” opposite the narration of Jackson’s appointment to the Tennessee constitutional convention in 1796—his first political office. He was elected to the House of Representatives that year…

Was the creator of this Jackson portrait an African American free man of color or not? What we do know: this lithograph was created by Jules Lion. Born in Paris, in the mid-1830s Jules Lion immigrated to New Orleans, where the 1837 city directory…

The title page ofBiographical Sketch of the Life of Andrew Jacksonis dated 1828, which squares with the description in the text of Jackson and "the important relation in which he now stands to the American people, as a candidate for the splendid…

Here is a publishing mystery. A bound set of page proofs of Parton's Life of Gen. Jackson came to AAS as part of the William C. Cook Jacksonian Era Collection. The volume has a handwritten note tipped in declaring it to be one of only two copies…

This engraving is a portrait of Gen. Andrew Jackson in military uniform astride a horse. He holds his hat in his proper right hand. The image is not entirely unknown, as the Library of Congress has the same portrait. The video included here shows all…

This lithographed portrait depicts Andrew Jackson sitting at a desk, holding a sword. Another reworked black & white version of this lithograph was published by D.W. Kellogg & Co. of Hartford, Ct. in 1847. Both the colored and black & white versions…
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