Lifeof AndrewJackson, Condensed from the Author's "Lifeof AndrewJackson," in Three Volumes


Here is a publishing mystery. A bound set of page proofs of Parton's Life of Gen. Jackson came to AAS as part of the William C. Cook Jacksonian Era Collection. The volume has a handwritten note tipped in declaring it to be one of only two copies printed out from the stereotyped plates of an abridged Jackson biography that was never actually published - or was it?

James Parton wrote an extensive treatment of the Life of Gen. Jackson in three octavo volumes in 1859-60. It became the definitive Jackson biography of the nineteenth century. In 1862, Parton completed an abridged version of his work and that abridgment was advertised for sale in the Dec. 11th edition of the Boston Recorder.

According to a 1901 memoranda from James Grant Wilson pasted onto the flyleaf in the copy now at AAS, though, after Parton's abridgment was stereotyped by C. A. Alvord, the author and publisher arrived at a decision not to issue the abridged work. They feared it would interfere with the sale of the compete three volume Life which was still steadily selling. Yet it appears at least some copies were issued because there are a number of copies of the abridged edition in institutions, including a copy now at AAS.

Wilson's note in AAS's copy states that in 1890 the stereotype plates were purchased and destroyed after only two copies were printed. One was for Mr. Parton to use in writing a new version of Jackson's life for the Great Commanders Series (AAS also now has a copy of that 1892 publication in the William C. Cook Jacksonian Era Collection [catalog record]). The second copy printed out was for the editor of the series. It is not clear which one of these is the copy now at AAS.


Life of Andrew Jackson, Condensed from the Author's "Life of Andrew Jackson," in Three Volumes


James Parton (1822-1891)


New York: Mason & Hamlin; Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co.; London: D. Appleton & Co.






James Parton (1822-1891), “Lifeof AndrewJackson, Condensed from the Author's "Lifeof AndrewJackson," in Three Volumes,” Collecting the Jacksonian Era: How Books Become Library Collections at AAS, accessed July 6, 2024,