Aldrich, Elizabeth. From the Ballroom to Hell: Grace and Folly in Nineteenth Century Dance. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1991.

Durang, Charles. Durang's Terpsichore or Ball Room Guide. Turner & Fisher: New York, 1848.

Farwell, Beatrice. French Popular Lithographic Imagery 1815-1870. Vol. 4. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986.

Hendrickson, Charles C., Van Winkle Keller, Kate. Social Dances from the American Revolution. Sandy Hook, Conn.: The Hendrickson Group, 1992.

Hazzard-Gordon, Katrina. Jookin': The Rise of Social Dance Formations in African-American Culture. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1990.

Howe, Elias. American Dancing Master and Ball-Room Prompter. Cambridge: Miles & Dillingham Printers, 1862.

Lamson, David. Two Years' Experience. West Boylston, 1848.

Langley, Lester D. The Americas in the Age of the Revolution 1750-1850. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1996.

Lewis, Jan. The Pursuit of Happiness: Family and Values in Jefferson's Virginia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982.

Marks, Joseph E., III. America Learns to Dance: A Historical Study of Dance Education in America before 1800. New York: Dance Horizons, 1957.

Quirey, Belinda. May I Have the Pleasure?: The Story of Popular Dancing. London: Dance Books, 1987.

Roberts, Cokie. Founding Mothers: The Women Who Raised our Nation. New York, William Morrow, 2004.

Van Winkle Keller, Kate. If the Company can do it!' Technique in Eighteenth-Century American Social Dance. Sandy Hook, Conn.: Hendrickson Group, 1992.

Van Winkle Keller, Kate. George Washington: A Biography in Social Dance.   Sandy Hook, Conn.: The Hendrickson Group, 1998.

Wagner, Ann. Adversaries of Dance From the Puritans to the Present. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1997.

Wilkinson, W.C. The Dance of Modern Society. New York: Oakley, Mason & Co., 1869.



Country Corners. Produced by Robert Fiore Robert and Richard Nevell. DVD. 2006.

Full of Life A-Dancin'. Produced by Robert Fiore Robert and Richard Nevell. DVD. 2006.

Pride and Prejudice. Dir. Joe Wright. Focus Features, 2005.



American Memory. An American Ballroom Companion: Dance Instruction Manuals ca. 1490-1920. 17 Aug. 2005. The Library of Congress. 27 Sept. 2006
< >

"Dance." Encyclopedia of the American Foreign Relations. 2006. Thomson Gale. 27 Sept. 2006
< >

Grove Art Online. 2006. Oxford University Press. 27 Sept. 2006




"Grand Centennial Military and Civic Ball" 1875 from folder 7, 2.
Call number: Dance Program Collection.

"Grand Centennial Military and Civic Ball" 1875 from folder 7, 2.
Call number: Dance Program Collection.

Cushing, Anna Quincy Thaxter. Unpublished Manuscript Diary. Octavo volume 15. February 26, 1858.
Call number: Mss. Collection. Cushing Oct. Vol. 15

Zuboff, Maximilian. "Kaliszanka Polka" New York: 1844. Published by F. Riley.
Call number: Sheet Music Collection.


Cover and Title Page The Dancing Master: Volume the first. Or Directions for Dancing Country Dances . London: 1730. printed by W. Pearson. Cover and title page.
Call number: G310.D174.D730

Jolly, J.M. "Jolly's Birthday Polka" New York: 1851. published by Samuel C. Jollie.
Call number: Sheet Music Collection.

Page 71 from Durang, Charles. Durang's terpsichore, or, Ball room guide : being a compendium of the theory, practice, and etiquette of dancing, embracing a description of the cotillions : polka and mazurka, quadrilles, gallopades, polonaises, and an essay on waltzing... .pages 26-9. Philadelphia : Fisher, c1847.
Call number: 19 th -Century D.

More, Hannah. The shepherd of Salisbury Plain. Part II: To which is added The sorrows of Yamba, a poem. Philadelphia: Printed by B. & J. Johnson, no. 147 High-Street.[1800].
Call number: Dated Pam.

Strauss, Johann. "La Carlotta Polka" Philadelphia: n.d. published by J.E. Gould.
Call number: Sheet Music Collection.


"Asking to dance : leading out : hands four round : down the middle : right and left : setting : cross hands : pousette : hornpipe : tete a` tete : fainting : taking home royal." Folder annotated in ms.: Portfolio, 1817.
Call number: Lithf Aski.

Zeuner, Charles. "Tremont Quadrilles" Boston: n.d. published by Henry Prentiss.
Call number: Sheet Music Collection.

Denny, D.B. "The Taylor Polka" Boston: 1849. Published by A. & J.P. Ordway.
Call number: Sheet Music Collection.


"Bal Masque" Worcester Ball ticket call no. R54 Sect A Dr 3. 1896. made out to St. Salisbury.

"Minuet de la Cour" located on page 31. Evening Amusement. Philadelphia, 1796.
Call number: Dated Books

"The Tri-Colored Quadrilles" New York, ca. 1830. published by J.L. Hewitt.
Call number: Sheet Music Collection.

Helmsmuller, F.B. "Ruck-Ruck Polka." New York: 1865. Illustration by Major & Knapp.
Call number: Sheet Music Collection

Title Page Twenty four fashionable country dances for the year 1799. [Boston] : London printed Boston reprinted & sold by W. Norman no. 75 Newbury Street., [1799].
Call number: Dated Pamphlets

Chart on page 105 Howe, Elias. American dancing master and ball-room prompter : containing about five hundred dances. Boston : E. Howe, 1862.
Call number: G310 H855 A862

Image of Fancy German Cotillion on page 147. Howe, Elias. American dancing master and ball-room prompter : containing about five hundred dances. Boston : E. Howe, 1862.
Call number: G310 H855 A862

"Durang's Hornpipe" Boston, ca. 1823. published by Oliver Ditson.
Call number: Sheet Music Collection.

"Miss Jarvis's Reel" located on the back of the second page of Twenty four fashionable country dances for the year 1799. [Boston] : London printed Boston reprinted & sold by W. Norman no. 75 Newbury Street., [1799].
Call number: Dated Pamphlets

"Shakers, their mode of Worship" Hartford : Lith. D.W. Kellogg & Co., [ca. 1830-1842].
Call number: Lithf KellD Shak

"Contraband Children Dancing the Breakdown." From Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. January 31, 1863. p. 292.
Call number: PRQ PF


Weber, Jean. "Crinoline Polka" Boston: 1854. Published by Oliver Ditson and Co.
Call number: Sheet Music Collection.

"Demorest's Illustrated Monthly Print"
Call number: From costume box (R43 sect c sh4) folder "costumes 1800-1865."

Pendleton, John B. [Fashions-- men's fashions]. Boston: Pendleton's Graphic Court.
Call number: Lithf Pend-Fash

Fowle's Clothing House, 16, 18 & 24 Washington St., Boston.... [Boston : Propeller Press, 21 Cornhill, Boston., [between 1849 and 1860]. Trade card.
Call number: Ephemera Trade 0277.


"Increase Mather" [photograph, in sepia] From the painting in the AAS Collection.

Phillips, John. Familiar dialogues on dancing, between a minister and a dancer, : taken from matter of fact with an appendix containing some extracts from the writings of pious and eminent men against the entertainments of the stage, and other vain amusements recommended to the perusal of Christians of every denomination . New York. Printed by T. Kirk. 1798.
Call number: Dated Pamphlets

"A Parisian Ball: Dancing at the Casino" and "A Parisian Ball: Dancing at the Mabille, Paris" on pages 744 and 745 by Winslow Homer. Located in Harper's Weekly November 23, 1867.
Call number: PRQ PF.

Glynn, William Cooper. "May Queen Waltz" Boston, 1842. Published by Henry Prentiss.
Call number: Sheet Music Collection.

Union ball! : Motto:--Come one and all, both great and small, to Loring Jacob's [i.e., Jacobs'] dancing hall! There will be a grand ball, at Loring Jacob's hall, in Athol, on Wednesday evening, December 28, 1853. A cordial invitation is extended to all ... [Fitchburg, Mass.: 1853].
Call number: BDSDS. 1853.


"Bow" and "Curtsy" pages 26-29. Durang, Charles. Durang's terpsichore, or, Ball room guide : being a compendium of the theory, practice, and etiquette of dancing, embracing a description of the cotillions : polka and mazurka, quadrilles, gallopades, polonaises, and an essay on waltzing... pages 26-9. Philadelphia : Fisher, c1847.
Call number: 19 th -Century D.

"Sample invitation" from Howe, Elias. American dancing master and ball-room prompter : containing about five hundred dances. Boston : E. Howe, 1862.
Call number: G310 H855 A862.

Paggi, Giovanni. "Les Fashionables" Boston, 1840. published by WMH Oakes.
Call number: Sheet Music Collection.

Bachelor's Ball. The Company of Miss Harriet Moore. 1816.
Call number: Ball Invitations.

"Pleasure Ball" Sutton, Mass. 1809.
Call number: Ball Invitations.

"Boston Valentines Party" Boston Encampment No. 38.
Call number: Dance Card. Folder number 8.

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