American views on Staffordshire china - The gift of the collection of views on Staffordshire china made for the American market offered by Emma DeForest Morse after the Society had ceased to collect objects was acceptable because of the relationship of the scenes to engravings in the collection. To display the collection, Waldo Lincoln had special metal and glass cases built by Krasser and Co. of Boston, at a cost of $1,200 [see image here].

The “Entrance of the Erie Canal into the Hudson at Albany” is a view of the canal transfer printed in dark and medium blue ink onto a plate (10 in.) [see image here]. The illustration by James Eights (1798-1882) was engraved by Rawdon, Clark, & Co., after 1825 and published in Cadwallader Colden, Memoir Prepared at the Request of a Committee of the Common Council of the City of New York (New York: W.A. Davis, 1825) [see cover here]. The plate was manufactured by Enoch Wood of Burslem.

Gift of Emma DeForest Morse, 1913.

The Amerian Antiquarian Society, 1812-2012 - A View at the Bicentennial
A Keen Scent for an Old Book - Clarence S. Brigham and Waldo Lincoln, 1908-1927