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Every chapter in this extra-illustrated volume comes accompanied by a portrait of Jackson opposite its first page. This one is an engraving from 1832 by James B. Longacre that depicts Jackson as President and is based on possibly the most famous…

The first page of the biography’s Preface, in which the author sets his work apart from others about Jackson’s life, insisting that his biography will not focus only on the President’s military career (in particular, the author…

An image of the Hermitage, Jackson’s home in Tennessee, appears opposite the first page of the Preface in the extra illustrated Jackson biography, A Brief and Impartial History. Jackson purchased the land for the plantation in 1804, and he and…

This fold-out map, inserted between two pages of the volume, was drawn around 1770 “from the Best Authorities” by Thomas Bowen, an English geographer, and was “engraved for Jones’s Geographical Grammar.” It depicts the…

The text of this extra-illustrated life of Jackson comes from a book called A Brief and Impartial History of the Life and Actions of Andrew Jackson. The work was published in 1831 in the run-up to Jackson’s re-election bid in 1832. Despite the…

The frontispiece—an illustration placed opposite a book’s title page—of this volume is an extra illustration of “Maj. Gen. Andrew Jackson”. This portrait of Jackson is an engraving probably based on an 1817 military portrait of the then-general by…

The compiler of this particular "extra-illustrated" book is believed to be autograph collector Ferdinand J. Dreer. The Brooklyn Public Library acquired the volume sometime in or after 1895, when they received funds from a Charles R. Lynde. AAS still…

The copy of William Snelling's A Brief and Impartial History of the Life and Actions of Andrew Jacksonin the William C. Cook Jacksonian Era Collection has been extra-illustrated. Learn more about this book and extra-illustrated books (also known as…

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Pictured here are two copies of William Joseph Snelling'sA Brief and Impartial History of the Life and Actions of Andrew Jackson.If you compare the size of the original publication (on top)to the extra-illustrated version with additional…
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