Extra-illustrated biography of Andrew Jackson with the spine title, Life of Jackson


Pictured here are two copies of William Joseph Snelling's A Brief and Impartial History of the Life and Actions of Andrew Jackson. If you compare the size of the original publication (on top) to the extra-illustrated version with additional illustrations from other publications tipped in and a bespoke black morocco binding added (on bottom), you see just how much extra material was added to this heavily modified copy.

The additional materials have strained the binding so it is in need of extra protection. The extra-illustrated Life will be housed in a custom phase box to protect the binding. Sheets of tissue will be interleaved between pages with color illustrations to prevent the ink from damaging the facing page. To learn more about this example and extra-illustrated books generally, click here.


Extra-illustrated biography of Andrew Jackson with the spine title, Life of Jackson


An extra-illustrated copy of A Brief and Impartial History of the Life and Actions of Andrew Jackson [catalog record]


original book published 1831; extra-illustrated version compiled and bound sometime later


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“Extra-illustrated biography of Andrew Jackson with the spine title, Life of Jackson,” Collecting the Jacksonian Era: How Books Become Library Collections at AAS, accessed July 6, 2024, https://collections.americanantiquarian.org/jacksonianera/items/show/1.