Illustrated inventory of Abigail Adams' letters

19 July 1797


Dublin Core


19 July 1797


Abigail Adams


Mary Smith Cranch


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Preparations for returning to Quincy. Heat and dysentery in Philadelphia

Date Created

19 July 1797

Is Version Of

my dear sisters Philadelphia July 19 1797—
If the Compass by which my course is directed does not vary again through unavoidable necessity I shall sit out for Quincy next week. we shall probably be 12 days in comeing. I shall want some preparation at Home. I will write to you from N york. Betsy wrote to her Mother to know if her sister Nancy was at home & that I should want her during my stay at Quincy

The Hot weather of july has weakend us all. complaints of the Bowels are very frequent and troublesome. I received your Letter of 13 yesterday I have suspected unfair dealings in the post office for some time, tho I cannot say where the fault is. as to the Girls Letters I believe they were foolish enough to send them without any Frank. I received a Letter yesterday from your Son who was well, and expected, to come to Philadelphia soon on buisness. I fear I shall be away, but I shall write him to come & put up at the House the same as if we were here

Let mrs Porter know that I should be glad she would have mrs Bass to clean up the House I hope it will be white washd first— the post will be gone if I do not close—

yours affectionatly



Abigail Adams, “19 July 1797,” Illustrated inventory of Abigail Adams' letters, accessed September 20, 2024,